“Do You Love Them Both the Same?”

Can I ask you something?” said the woman at the doctor’s office. “Do you love them both the same?” Before I adopted, I had two friends confide in me that they had considered adoption, but after giving birth to a child they secretly feared they wouldn’t be able to love an adopted child as much. I. on the other hand, had always wanted to adopt a child who needed us. Also, my mother had had difficult pregnancies, and missing that stage didn’t sound like such a bad deal to me. My husband had more of a drive than I did … Continue reading

Respecting Your Child’s Privacy

Last week I was at a meeting of a group of parents who’ve adopted from Korea. The discussion turned to privacy issues. Many adoptive parents are so excited about our children. We love to share their stories. We are eager to correct stereotypes about adoption. (When you’ve seen babies three to a cradle in a baby home, you feel like buttonholing people on the street and asking them if they’ve ever thought of adopting!) People ask us about adoption. We are eager to give them information, to reassure them, but also to be honest so that an adopting couple will … Continue reading