Helping Family Understand Your Decision to Adopt

One of the “big moments” when you start out in adoption is when you sit down with your extended family to tell them about your decision. For some adoptive parents, their extended family may have been involved in the decision from the beginning, for others, this will be the first time that these people have heard that the idea was even on the table. It is important to be prepared for the adoption conversation whether you are still in the planning stages or if you are already in the process of seeking a child to adopt. Some family members will … Continue reading

Should You Adopt Transracially?

Once you have decided to adopt, the decisions just keep on coming. One big decision that adoptive parents need to make is the race of their child. It is my hope that this article will give you the tools you need to begin thinking about adopting a child of a different race. Here are some things you should consider: How do you feel about the race you are considering? Whether we want to admit it or not, we all have embraced some stereotypes. We may think that we are neutral, but still some of these will linger. An excellent exercise … Continue reading

Should I Adopt? Part 1

Do you want to adopt? I think that the possibility crosses the minds of most people at one time or another. For some it is a fleeting thought that is quickly brushed aside, but for others, it is a tiny flame that begins to grow and flourish and soon becomes a passion that is difficult to ignore. When an individual or a couple decides that they are interested in adoption, there are thousands of questions that pop into their heads. One of the most common is the question of whether this is right for them and if they should adopt. … Continue reading