We Survived Our First Nights With a Newborn

We survived our first night as parents to a three week old. It seems so surreal that two days ago we did not even know that our little girl was in existence and now here we are parents to a 3 year old, a one year old and a three week old. I am not going to lie getting three kids in a less than five months was a lot. It was a huge culture shock. When we started the adoption process we did not even consider a new born and here we are. Unlike when you have a child … Continue reading

Our First Night Home

Our first night home with our sons was like parenting by fire. Our oldest son Steve had beautiful curly hair and big brown eyes. We noticed that he kept scratching his head and we could not figure out why until we looked. His hair was moving! We never had any experience with lice before this very day and now we were driving to the nearest 24 hour pharmacy and buying lice treatments. There was so many different choices which one should I choose? I bought the one I saw on TV, more proof that advertising works I guess. We brought … Continue reading

Taking Our Kids Home

We have our new three year son in the back seat and we are driving to pick up our new fourteen month old son at his foster home. We had this sweet little boy in the back seat that was so happy that his baby brother was again going to be living in the same home as him that he cannot stop smiling. We pulled up and unbuckled him from his car seat he held on to the stuffed animal that we just gave him tucked under his arm and he held both our hands as we walked up to … Continue reading

The Week We Became a Family

Our week started and we were just a couple in the process to adopt. On Wednesday we found out we were going to be parents of two small boys a fourteen month old and his three year old brother. On Friday we drove to Houston from Dallas to meet our sons the very next day. Wait it gets better, we met them for a few hours at the babies foster home then the fourteen month old came to spend the night with us that Saturday night. On Sunday we had to bring him back to his foster family so they … Continue reading

Our Night in the Hotel

The day that we met our soon to be sons’ was one of the best days of our lives. We played games, had snacks and got acquainted with our new kids. We had a chance to talk to the foster parents to see what they liked and did not, their schedules etc. It was almost like we were getting ready to babysit 2 kids and their parents were telling us the rules. When it came time for the older child to go back to his foster home we packed up the 14 month old and took him back to the … Continue reading

The Day we Met Our Sons

So we drove the four hours down on Friday night to go meet our new sons. Boy, it sounds so weird to say that we are going to meet our sons. We have two empty car seats in the car and a stuffed animal for each of the boys. We stayed the night in town where our sons are from we were so nervous I do not think we slept at all. When I wake up in the morning I am going to meet my sons! What if they don’t like me? When Saturday morning comes we got up, ate … Continue reading

I am Going to be a Mom

So we got the news last night that we were going to be parents of a three year old son and a 14 month old son. I can hardly believe it I was going to be a Mom!!! The excitement of seeing their pictures the next day made it impossible to sleep. When the email came from our case worker they sent it to my husband’s work. When he got the pictures he was so excited he could barely speak. He sent me the email and I opened it up to see my sons, they had big brown eyes and … Continue reading

Getting the Room Ready

When your application is complete and you have passed your home study what do you do next? How do you get prepared for a child that you don’t know their age, how many of them will there be, boy or girl? There are so many factors that come into play when you start preparing for a child to be placed with you. When you have a child biologically you know about when the baby will be here, with adoption it could be very quick but it can also take a very long time. The time that it takes to adopt … Continue reading