Adoptee’s Poetry: Two Personal Poems

Keeping in the whole sharing mood this week, I thought I’d share two more pieces I wrote. One was when I was eighteen years old and the other when I was twenty one. I sincerely hope you enjoy. And please, forgive the “rough around the edges” sound to the pieces. They have since been cleaned up a bit, but these are the originals, in their completely original format. The first one… “In the Past” – by Nicole Humphrey Not so long ago, but yet almost too long, I was given away. By the person who gave me life. Two loving … Continue reading

Adoptee Poetry: Never

As I’ve mentioned before that during my search for my biological family, I wrote a lot of poetry, essays and thoughts and feelings down. I have journals, notebooks and binders filled to over flowing with words I had to get out. It’s a safe place for me to go when depressed, angry or frustrated. Thankfully, most of my current day writing is much brighter and not as dark as back then. I do own the copyright on all of my own work, however I have not shared most of these publicly before. They have been posted on an adoption website … Continue reading

An Adoption Poem: I’m An Adoptee

During an adoptee’s life, we go through so many different feelings, so many different emotions and so many different identities. We long to have a true identity. For some it will come with time, and other’s simply never actually find themselves. When I was much younger, I wrote poetry about my adoption all the time. It was an almost daily release for me. Of course I wrote about other things too, but I was definitely obsessed with who I was. I can happily say, I’ve found myself and I love who I am. However, when this poem was written I … Continue reading