The Adoption Process – Part III – Matching

This is where we are right now, so this is where I will stop… for now. I’ll finish out the process once we have gone through it so that I can give my own perspective on it. So far we have received child studies on three girls. The child study is like the home study, only it describes the personality and life history of a child who is available for adoption. The study is given to us to review together, and if we decide we want to take it further we let the social worker know. She then puts us … Continue reading

Do Adoptive Parents Nest?

I’ve heard the question asked before: do adoptive parents nest? I have wondered it myself, but now I am seeing it. I don’t have a due date like someone who is pregnant, but some part of me knows that the time for my child to arrive is getting closer and I am preparing. It started with a general need to get things tidy. I started cleaning off surfaces and became obsessive about where things went. Then came the need to get rid of things. I started de-cluttering like crazy. My poor husband quickly realized that if he didn’t lay claim … Continue reading

While Waiting to Adopt

The hardest part of the adoption process I hear about from others is the waiting! I call it the “Hurry up and wait” game. Anyone who’s played it, I’m sure will agree, it’s not a fun game. There are some things that you can do during the waiting that will not only help pass time, but actually help you stand out as a waiting family. Take advantage of special opportunities with your current family. When my husband and I were waiting, we would take day trips to the ocean and the mountain. We took long aimless drives at night (gas … Continue reading

Adoption Transitions #1: Adoptive Parents Wait

From the moment a waiting adoptive family is matched with a potential birthmother, child in foster care, or internationally the transition begins. The first step to a healthy and positive transition starts with the adoptive parents and their ability to prepare for the life changing events that are about to take place. Many adoptive parents find this period of time to be one of the most stressful in the adoption process. Knowing your child is about to be born, or is waiting to meet you can be filled with anxiety, fantasy and stress. It doesn’t matter if you are waiting … Continue reading