Author Interview — Elodia Strain (part two) Advertising

Thank you for joining us for part two of our conversation with novelist Elodia Strain. If you missed part one, click here. Elodia, I understand that before you were a novelist, you were in advertising? How did your background in advertising influence your approach to writing a novel? I think I may have thought more about the reader than I otherwise would have. Advertising taught me to think about my audience, and so when I wrote I thought a lot about that. I wanted to have my audience from word one and keep them riveted to the very end. My … Continue reading

Author Interview — James Rada Jr: Newspapers and Novels

James Rada is an award-winning newspaper columnist and fiction novelist. I’m excited to share with all of you a recent interview I conducted with Jim, and I appreciate the time he took out of his busy schedule to talk with me. Jim, you’re a newspaper man as well as a novelist. Which came first? Neither. I was an advertising copywriter first. That’s the guy or gal who writes all the words in an ad. I graduated BYU with an advertising degree and worked for my first couple years in that field and enjoyed it. Then my wife and I decided … Continue reading

Geico Insurance “Cavemen” To Become ABC Sitcom

Entertainment reporters and Hollywood watchers seem to have mixed reviews about ABC TV Studio’s decision to create a television comedy sitcom featuring Geico advertising characters. The Caveman series will be based on the personalities created for the recent campaign pressing the fact that Geico Insurance is so simple to sign up for that, “Even a Caveman can do it.” It won’t be the first time a commercial character has grown into a television series idea. Some critics think “Caveman” will turn out the same as all the past. Many of the past TV shows that have been produced based on … Continue reading

Garage Sale Signage

One of your best methods of advertising your garage sale, is going to be the signage you place around your area the day of the sale. Therefore, it is important to drive around your area and see where you can place your signs. Look where others are placing their signs, look at what you can see coming from different areas. For instance, be sure that people coming into your neighborhood from either direction, can see your garage sale signs. Store Bought Signs You can go to any hardware store, or even discount store and find garage sale signs. They are … Continue reading

Hold On To Your Eggs—This You Have To See!

What’s your morning routine? Do you make coffee, read the paper, scan the cereal box’s ingredient list, or look at the faces of missing children on the milk carton? Well, if eating eggs is part of your breakfast routine you could be adding another item to your “reading” list. The CBS television network announced today that it is planning to begin advertising on eggs. That’s right, EGGS. Can you believe it? The network says that as part of a deal between the CBS Marketing Group and EggFusion, an egg-coding company, more than 35 million eggs will be distributed to markets … Continue reading