Would You Like a Q and A in the Home Blog?

Some of the blogs here at Families.com are beginning to incorporate Question and Answer sections or advice columns into their regular offerings. Would you like to see something similar here in the Home Blog? You can respond by either leaving a comment or sending a private message. Marjorie, Michele, and I can put our heads together or research the answers to your questions, or we could each offer tips and advice. This is how it might work: If you have a question, you would send a private message or email. We would use your question in an upcoming article, but … Continue reading

Do You Want an Advice Column Here?

I have a question for our readers here in the marriage blog. The question, of course, is the topic of this blog – would you like to see an advice column featured here in the Marriage Blog. We address a lot of different topics and we do our best to bring you the most current news and information on a variety of different subjects with regard to marriage and relationships. Advice is a dangerous business though because advice is based on our opinions and how we would handle things and our own experience with the different topics. But relationship advice … Continue reading