Guardian Ad-Litem

What is a guardian ad-litem? In simplest terms the guardian ad-litem is a foster child’s attorney. The guardian ad-litem is the foster child’s advocate in all legal matters. He has the foster child’s best legal interests in mind. He is the foster child’s advocate in court. The majority of children have parents who love and care for them. Their parents are careful about what happens to them and take steps to make sure that their environments are appropriate. These children do not need guardians ad-litem to make decisions for them because they’re rarely going to end up in legal battles. … Continue reading

Consider Becoming an Advocate

I used to get really turned off by the word “advocate”—I think I felt like it was really putting myself on the line if I took up a cause and decided to become an advocate. But, as a single parent, I have found that I feel so strongly about the struggles and joys of single parent families that I feel compelled to advocate for us! I want to invite other single parents (and their friends) to become supporters and believers in the single parent family scene… Perhaps it sounds a bit hokey or like I’m some sort of kook to … Continue reading

What is Your Mantra?

It’s always a good thing to have a vision or over-arching goal for our lives. When we have a child with a disability, that vision may become much clearer. For example, we probably never considered joining the cause to fight muscular dystrophy until we had a child with the condition. Or until we adopted a child who was abused, we may not have considered standing up for the rights of children. Having a child with a disability can make us more sensitive to the plights of others and bolster our resolve to make a difference. Whether we choose to advocate … Continue reading