Overscheduled Kids = Parental Stress

Forget about emotionally scarring your kids by enrolling them in a litany of extra-curricular activities. According to a new study, the endless stream of piano lessons, soccer practices, Cub Scout meetings and ballet recitals, is more stressful on parents than anyone else. Childhood experts at the University of Maryland at College Park maintain that parents of overscheduled kids are the ones who suffer the most emotional stress when it comes to juggling multiple activities. Turns out, most kids are fine being shuttled from sporting event to sporting event and then to music lessons, dance class and oh, don’t forget, school. … Continue reading

Preschoolers & Sports

Is it me or are kids a hundred times busier today than when I was a kid? I don’t remember being enrolled in a dozen different activities and when I look at my own daughter’s busy schedule, I have to wonder – are we doing our preschoolers a service or not by enrolling them in sports? The answer to this question is both yes and no. Want me to vague that up a bit more? The truth is the answer is based on a number of different factors including the type of sport, your child’s level of physical prowess and … Continue reading