Five Years Later: The Aftermath

Everything closed around us on September 11th as businesses retail and otherwise closed and sent their employees home. We gathered together, hugging our family and trying sometimes for hours to contact loved ones elsewhere to let them know we were okay. My nephew’s father called at one point – late in the evening after hours spent on both sides trying to contact each other. His relief that his son and his son’s mother were all right was palpable over the phone. The Story Unfolded In the days afterward, this country battened down the hatches as recovery efforts in New York … Continue reading

Home and Family: The Aftermath of Katrina

It’s been a year since Katrina pounded the Gulf Coast and left a wake of destruction. I can’t imagine what it must have been like to live through that storm and to lose everything in moments. Some people even lost people they love. One of the saddest things for me is the fact that as of reports this spring, over 800 people are still missing. I think not knowing, not having closure, may be worse than knowing your loved one is gone. The whole situation is devastating and the area is still devastated. It hurts me to see such chaos … Continue reading