Book Review: The Adoption Life Cycle

The Adoption Life Cycle,by Elinor Rosenberg, fills a niche in adoption literature by talking about issues such as separation, loss, identity and family relationships not only as they emerge at different stages of children’s development, but also in the context of family systems. Rosenberg has seen adoption from several perspectives—as a social worker working with birthmothers, as a therapist working with adopted children in residential treatment centers, and later as an adoptive parent of two. She devotes her first chapter to the myth of adoption as “the perfect solution”. While strongly supportive of adoption, she recognizes that it usually leaves … Continue reading

If You Are Happy & You Know It

… clap your hands! By 9 months of age, babies will have the muscle control; fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination necessary to bring his or her palms together. But between the ages of 9 and 12 months, it’s a magical time when he or she will start clapping to show he or she is excited or happy! Lend them a hand by playing classic games like patty-cake or singing songs, such as: If You’re Happy and You Know It. The Wheels on the Bus It’s important to applaud your baby for their accomplishments. They will recognize the sound of … Continue reading

Profile: The Tween Years

What are the tween years? The tween years are those years between approximately 8 and 13 when a child is not yet a teen but no longer just a little kid. They are often overlooked by parents and experts, alike because they happen to fall between two very busy and exciting stages of life – early childhood and the teen years. But this is a tumultuous time for kids as they transition from childhood to the teen years. It is a time of extremes – emotions, fluctuations, expectations and responsibilities. Characteristics of a Tween: Tweens will often act like teenagers … Continue reading