Recognizing Signs of Aggression

You may not want to believe that your dog can be aggressive. It can be a hard thing to recognize — we often try to assign human motivations to animal behaviors. We try to reason with our pets: “It’s only the mailman; you don’t have to bark at him.” But our dogs don’t think like people. They think like dogs. Aggression is not a breed problem. It can exist in any dog, any breed, at any time. Signs of aggression can include: Growling Snarling Baring teeth/curling lips Mounting people or other animals Lunging Snapping Blocking your path Aggressive barking Biting … Continue reading

Types of Dog Aggression

All aggression is not alike! There are different kinds of aggression, and different situations where you may encounter an aggressive dog — or see your own dog exhibit strange behaviors. Dog-Dog Aggression — can be set off by a variety of things. If a dog feels that he needs to protect food, resources, or his two-legged family. An undersocialized dog may not know how to behave around other dogs, leading to possible aggression on both sides. Some dogs find it fun to bully other dogs, or try to herd them. Some dogs don’t know how to temper their bites — … Continue reading

Dog Aggression

In light of the recent incident at the dog park, I thought it would be a good time to talk about dog aggression. Aggression isn’t just a random behavior; it is a defense mechanism, a competitive instinct, and a hunting behavior. Domestication and breeding have toned down many aggressive responses in dogs, but they still exist. Aggressive behaviors can include: Barking at other animals or humans Herding Food guarding Fence fighting — when a dog cannot get to an animal on the other side of the fence or window, he may turn on other pets Growling and snarling Snapping and … Continue reading

12 Signs That Your Child Is Trying to Tell You Something

Children who are non-verbal or have language difficulties exhibit many behaviors in an effort to try to communicate. Sometimes these attempts to “tell you something” can be misunderstood. It might seem like your son or daughter is just being evasive, annoying, or naughty. But it’s important to recognize that children who have difficulty with speech struggle with a whole lot of frustration. When my son Kyle was a preschooler, his tantrums were incredibly severe because he could not adequately communicate his desires. I’m sure he sometimes felt like a tourist in a foreign country, getting a whole lot of blank … Continue reading

Aggression in Older Cats

Your sweet, friendly, loving cat may change personality as she moves into her senior years. As cats age, they can become aggressive toward people or other animals in the household. What causes aggression in older cats? Often, the problem has a medical basis. An older cat with arthritis may object to being touched when her joints are especially achy. A cat with vision or hearing loss may be easily startled by a human or pet’s approach. Stress is another major cause of aggression in older cats. Moving or remodeling can be stressful for a cat of any age, but especially … Continue reading

Childhood behavioral problems and binge drinking

A comprehensive study involving more than 1600 participants has established a significant link between behavioral problems in childhood and subsequent adolescent binge drinking. Researchers at the University of Melbourne in Australia looked at the phenomenon of binge drinking, which was classified in the study as consuming at least five drinks in quick succession more than seven days a month by the time the individual was 17 years of age. Binge drinking is becoming particularly popular with incident rates soaring since the 1980s. About 60% of the participants were rated as moderate drinkers and 14% were listed as “heavy.” Among the … Continue reading

Six Ways to Deal With a Hyperactive Child

Children with ADHD, Autism, or various neurological disorders often have frustrating bouts of hyperactivity. Some children have such high energy levels mixed with defiance or impulsivity that they can’t focus properly at school or maintain friendships. I’m convinced that these kids can benefit enormously from medication. (Read my blog, “ADHD and the Maddening Missing Meds.” ) But some children may not require medication, and only need some parental guidance to regain control. Here are six ways you can help a hyperactive child: 1. Channel the energy. A child with endless amounts of energy, who is bounding up and down the … Continue reading

Stay In Control – Toddler Trouble

The Terrible Twos have their name for a reason, but toddlers can often be terrible before and after two – it just seems that two is the average age that most toddlers start to get into trouble. The cause of the trouble is usually your baby’s bids for independence. Babies are intensely curious and what they are most curious about is the world around them and how they can get to it. Maintain Your Calm It’s important to remember that while your baby may have already learned the word no and understands your tone of voice – they are not … Continue reading

Baby Aggression – How Do You Deal With it?

It does not matter how wonderful your baby is or how much they smile or even how fun they are to be around. Sooner or later, you will see your little one be aggressive. Aggression is not necessarily about violence or even about hitting. Aggressive behavior is what happens when the baby decides they are going to take the lead and they are going to do it their way. They don’t need permission, they don’t ask for permission and they don’t ask for input. It’s important to be a teacher in these situations. It’s important for you to let children … Continue reading