Parenting by the Seat of Your Pants

There is a common theme I have begun to notice in many of the Dr. Phil shows I watch on parenting, along with many episodes of “Supernanny.” It’s the “fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants” kind of parenting. This kind of parenting has no plan in place. Many parents just take life as it comes and when problems arise, try to handle them in the moment. I don’t know about you but when I try to handle anything in a moment of pressure, I usually don’t fare well. Parenting has to be deliberate and thought out. It takes energy, time and ideas to do this. … Continue reading

Should Children Lift Weights?

Last year about this time I attended my first preseason football meeting for my son who was going into 6th grade at the time. I had no idea what to expect and how much work it would be for him. The meeting covered more than just practice times and how to get your uniform. It also included information on the importance of nutrition and what the boys should be eating. They also talked about exercise and stressed that the middle school students would not be utilizing the workout room, which was reserved for high school football players. One of the … Continue reading

Finding the Right Fit

It’s one thing to purchase a digital camera with the intention of simply documenting your family’s Kodak moments, but it’s quite another when you are trying to make a living by selling your shots. My grandfather was a professional photographer. His portrait studio was located in Hilo, Hawaii, and for years he was able to turn his passion for photography into a healthy profit. However, it took him years to find his niche and make a living by taking pictures. If you are looking to make a career by taking pictures, you need to have some business savvy, as well … Continue reading

The Wisdom of Justin Bieber?

So Justin Bieber has been doing more than just singing, he has been offering his thoughts on some pretty controversial subject matter. In the newest Rolling Stone issue he stated that when it comes to sex, you should wait until you are “in love.” By the way, apparently he is dating another teen star, Selena Gomez. I just thought you should know. Bieber also touched on politics when he mentioned how differently healthcare in Canada is…or should I say how much better it is. He jokingly called our country “evil” and made mention of our astronomical medical bills. His views … Continue reading

Mom Murders Teens for Being “Mouthy”

Tragic and unbelievable. Those are the words that immediately came to my mind upon hearing about the Florida mom who admitted to murdering her 16-year-old daughter and 13-year-old son. Have you heard about this case? It’s all over the cable news networks. According to CNN, on the evening of January 27th, Julie Powers Schenecker allegedly shot and killed her two children for “talking back.” Police say the 50-year-old wife of a U.S. Army colonel admitted to them that she shot her son twice in the head with a .38 caliber pistol while she drove him to soccer practice in suburban … Continue reading

The Desensitization of Children

My son came home with tragic news yesterday. A 7th grade teacher at his middle school didn’t report in and when relatives were sent to his house, he was discovered on the floor dead. So far we don’t know the cause of his death. He was only in his 40’s but if I were to guess I would bet it was a heart attack. I don’t know the teacher and my son is only in 6th grade so he didn’t know him either. But it really shook me up. First, the fact that the man was only in his 40’s … Continue reading

Are You a Tiger Mom?

  Are you a tiger mom? In case you haven’t heard, a controversial book from 2011 still has parents stirring. The author is Amy Chua and she has written a parenting book called “Tiger Mother.” In a nutshell she proclaims Chinese parents to do a better job than the rest of us. Why? They are much stricter and stringent. Her children have turned out well and she believes it is the result of her teaching and training. Honestly, my idea of strict is taking away the television for the rest of the day but her ideas are clearly different. To … Continue reading

Do Your Kids Hate to Eat Vegetables?

Many children dislike vegetables, and will resist eating them. The television show Nightline might be able to help you get your kids to eat vegetables! There are many theories about why a child decides not to eat his or her vegetables. Some children are picky eaters, and have a long list of foods that they will not eat. This list, of course, includes vegetables. I read somewhere a theory about why so many children refuse to eat their vegetables. Many vegetables, (including spinach and broccoli), have a bitter taste. While adults have fully developed taste buds, children are still physically … Continue reading

Should Everyone in Your Family Do Chores?

One of the age-old questions for many families is concerning chores and children, to pay or not to pay? Actually, some families still aren’t sure how to handle the whole chore thing. Should children do chores? How much is too much? Should the entire family divide up the household chores? If you have children, taking care of a home could almost be a full-time job. The more children you have, the more responsibilities you have. Being a wife, mom of three children and a full-time writer I have my share of responsibilities. However what I refuse to do is attempt … Continue reading

The Children’s Health Insurance Program

The Children’s Health Insurance Program is both a Federal and a State program. It is also called CHIP. It was first created in 1997. This program is designed to provide low-cost health insurance coverage for children, who come from families that make too much money to qualify for Medicaid, but who do not make enough money to be able to afford to buy health insurance from private companies. This program was expanded in 2009 when President Obama signed the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (CHIPRA). More funding was added at that time, in order to be able to help … Continue reading