Playfulness in Marriage

How much is playfulness part of your marriage? Marriage can become ho hum unless we invest time and creativity and effort into it. One way of keeping your marriage fresh is maintaining playfulness. Recently on an interview Andrew Denton did with Alan Alda one of the things Alda he loves about his wife is her playfulness. That showed it the photo he had of her which was a treasured keepsake. On Saturday Mick and I put up our Christmas decorations, well all except for the tree which hasn’t been bought yet. But when we went to out the lights and … Continue reading

A Picture of a Marriage

52 years married and still in love with his wife, that was the picture actor Alan Alda presented in a recent interview with Andrew Denton. These are some of the things that impressed me in that interview with the 73 year old actor. Firstly, that he and his wife Arlene have been married 52 years. In Hollywood and the entertainment industry at large, that in itself is a major achievement. Alan Alda suggested that when looking for a life partner (and that tells you something about the way he views marriage – as a life commitment) ‘your life partner makes … Continue reading

The West Wing – April 9 – Election Night Part II

Last December, John Spencer died suddenly from a heart attack. His death stunned and saddened his cast mates and fans of West Wing alike. His death also spawned a change, according to the writer’s of The West Wing for what would happen during the Election between Presidential Candidates Matt Santos(Jimmy Smits) and Arnold Vinick (Alan Alda) as the inheritor of the soon to be exiting Josiah Bartlett’s (Martin Sheen) Presidential office. The ramp up to this showdown began in Season 6 with Joshua Lyman being courted by several presidential contenders, including Senator Arnold Vinick. The campaigns, the primary elections, the … Continue reading