Author Interview – Abel Keogh

Last September, I had the opportunity to review a nonfiction novel entitled “Room for Two.” I was impressed by the story and today I’m pleased to bring you an interview with the author of the book, Abel Keogh. Abel, your book, “Room for Two,” talks about a tragedy that took place earlier in your life, the suicide of your seven month pregnant wife. How did you arrive at the idea to write a book about this? Most of the motivation to write “Room for Two” was because of the lack of well-written, compelling books about losing a spouse. The books … Continue reading

What is Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)?

Most of us have heard of the term ECT, or electroconvulsive therapy, via TV shows or perhaps through the classic movie one flew over the Cuckoo’s nest. However unless you or a family member have undergone ECT, it is likely that most people know very little about this dramatic and controversial treatment. The effects of electroconvulsive therapy were discovered by accident in the early 20th century. Unfortunately its history is mired by considerable abuse of this technique in its early years. It is now deemed as a safe and reasonably effective treatment for very severe depression by the American psychiatric … Continue reading

Living With an Invisible Illness

There are many different invisible illnesses out there — diseases that don’t necessarily come with an outward sign that says “hey, I’m sick” to the world. For some people with an invisible illness, the hardest part is friends and family members who say things like “But you don’t look sick!” or “You look fine!” or “Tough it out!” It can lead to feelings of anger or isolation or both — and more. It may be hard to convince friends and family that while you may LOOK fine, you don’t feel fine. For some people with an invisible illness, the hardest … Continue reading

What is Dependent Personality Disorder? (2)

Not being able to make up your own mind and needing others to help you to make even the most basic of decisions is one characteristic of Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD). Another is being unable to state your wants, needs and opinions because of an unrealistic fear of rejection. In our last article (see link below) we looked at the stories of Lori and Jennifer, who displayed several of the characteristic traits of this disorder. Lori found it hard to trust herself and constantly drew others into decision-making for her, even to the point of allowing other to choose her … Continue reading

Heather Locklear Checks In for Psychiatric Help

Poor Heather Locklear – beautiful though she is, she been through quite a bit in the past few years. And, I am not even talking about the seven years she was married to Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee – that must have been taxing in and of itself! Heather, the perennial blond surfer girl, seemed happy when she married Bon Jovi guitarist Richie Sambora in 1994. The two had a daughter, Ava, and appeared to be one of the happiest couples in Hollywood. That is until the rumors started. Was Richie involved with Heather’s BFF Denise Richards before the marriage … Continue reading

How To Deal With Guilt – Part 1

No doubt all of us have done things we’re ashamed of and wish we could erase or do over – things that make us feel guilty. That guilt can have far reaching effects on us, on our emotional and physical health and also on our relationships with others. So what can we do to deal with that guilt? And yes I know about guilt. I carried guilt around for a long time before I allowed God to help me deal with it. So what can we do to deal with guilt? The first step is to admit that what we … Continue reading

What if You ALWAYS Feel Tired?

It is fairly common for the average single parent—especially those who have full time custody of their child or children—to feel tired. After all, it can seem like the day and all of its responsibilities are never done. We may work too hard, eat on the run, and never get a full night’s sleep. Feeling tired can seem normal. However, if you are feeling so overwhelmingly tired that you just can’t get any energy going, or if you are constantly sleepy, achy or distracted, it might be worth it to look into your exhaustion. While tiredness is typical for the … Continue reading

Borderline Personality Disorder: Hope for Kerri

We looked at the day-to-day problems of living with borderline personality disorder (BPD) and focused on the lifestyle of Kerri, a vivacious yet erratic 39-year-old woman who lived life on a knife’s edge. You can read the first part of Kerri’s story by clicking on the link below. Kerri experienced periods of relative emotional stability but the periods of normality were always tenuous and could easily be displaced whenever an event occurred that threatened Kerri’s emotional security. She feared being abandoned, yet sought love in the wrong places. She was unreliable, both personally and in her work, and therefore put … Continue reading

What Are Invisible Illnesses?

“But you don’t look/act sick.” Have you heard these words or said them to a friend? Visible illnesses and conditions are easy to spot because the person may use a device like crutches or braces to assist in movement. They may limp, have an unusual posture, or make expressions of pain (physically or vocally) when they move. An invisible illness comes with few (if any) outward signs most (if not all) of the time. Some examples of invisible illness include: Asthma Depression Chronic pain Fibromyalgia Heart disease Diabetes Seizure disorders Osteoporosis Many people think of illness in terms of short-term … Continue reading

Borderline Personality Disorder: Kerri’s Story

Most people on first meeting Kerri might come away thinking that she is vivacious, intelligent and caring. However, it doesn’t take too many meetings with Kerri to realize that something is just not right. Kerri is 39 years old and has never been able to save money. In fact, she has several credit cards which are maxed out. She has never owned a car due to her inability to save. Although she badly needs a new microwave, she spent the $200 her grandfather gave her to help her out on a leather jacket. She wore the jacket once and a … Continue reading