Drinking Aloe

Aloe vera has long been valued as a healing plant. The leaves are full of a gel that has been shown to help heal wounds and soothe burns. But have you thought about drinking aloe juice? On the one hand, it seems like something that can be so beneficial for your outsides might not be bad for your insides, too. Studies have shown that aloe latex — taken from the lining of the aloe leaves — works reasonably well as a laxative. But right now there isn’t much evidence to guide dosages or compare aloe latex with other available laxatives. … Continue reading

Aloe Vera

Aloe has a long history! Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians all used the plant for both medicine and beauty. Rumor has it that Egyptian queens Nefertiti and Cleopatra used aloe regularly for skin care. Over the year, the aloe vera plant has been called Burn Plant, Medicine Plant, and even the Plant of Life! Aloe can be separated into two basic parts: the clear gel that comes from the inner portion of the leaves and a latex or juice that comes from the skin of the leaves. Aloe gel is typically used for the treatment of minor burns and skin … Continue reading