Bed Wars

I’ve written about dominance before — alpha dogs and omega dogs especially. And a few weeks ago, I mentioned how the balance of power in my four-legged family was shifting. For a long time now, we’ve had Bed Wars. Let me set the scene. (A black sky, white stars sparkling. Text scrolls upwards, a la Star Wars.) A long time ago, in a bedroom far, far away, two dogs were at war over a very important piece of territory: the bed. He (or she) who ruled the bed ruled the universe. The bed was a land of great prosperity and … Continue reading

Who’s The Boss Now?

Dogs are pack animals; pack behavior has been genetically handed down to our domesticated little pups. In the wild, a pack has one alpha male and one alpha female who lead the bunch and a distinct hierarchy for everyone else. A canine can move up or down the ladder, often by fighting the next dog up the line and winning. In the home, things are slightly different. I’ve noticed over the past three years plus with Lally and Moose that the hierarchy is slowly changing. At first, Lally was ultra-submissive; I used to see a lot of omega dog characteristics … Continue reading

Separation Anxiety: Lily

In a multi-dog family, you may see some very interesting relationships. My brother’s dogs, Kuma and Lily Biscuits, have a very close bond. Kuma is definitely the Boss Dog in the house. With just a look, she can send Lily running. Whatever Lily has, Kuma can pretty much take without consequences. But without Kuma around, Lily is pretty much lost. On Tuesday, Kuma spent the day at the veterinarian’s for some minor surgery. Lily was a wreck. She wouldn’t take a rawhide — normally her favorite treat! She sat on the couch, looking out the window most of the day, … Continue reading

Omega Dogs

You may have heard about the “alpha dog”, the leader of the pack. But do you know what an omega dog is? Does your dog go belly-up when she meets other dogs? Does your dog piddle when she meets other dogs or people? The omega dog is the low pup on the totem pole. This is the dog who gives up treats and sleeping places to the alpha dog. This is the dog who gives up first at tug-of-war and lets toys be taken right out of her mouth. Your omega dog may not like to make eye contact, or … Continue reading

Alpha Dogs

My brother’s dog Kuma is an alpha dog. She likes to demonstrate her dominance over her people by putting her chin higher than your chin. It’s kind of funny to get into a chinning match with Kuma! If your dog usually wins at tug-of-war with the other dogs, or steals and hoards toys and treats, she may be an alpha dog. Kuma is the most devious treat and stuffed toy stealer I’ve ever met. The other dogs let her take the things away because she is Boss Dog. Once she acquires her treasure, she’ll usually lay on them to keep … Continue reading