L is for Ladies

Ladies fitness is its own multimillion dollar fitness industry – after all, women comprise more than 50% of the population and women tend to be more aware of the differences in their bodies than men do. That being said, it should hardly be surprising that there are a lot of ladies only fitness centers that target this demographic with specialized exercises and exercise programs. Curves for Women Chief among these fitness centers is Curves for Women. I reviewed the Curves experience in January of 2006 when I was first starting out here in the fitness blog. Curves for Women offers … Continue reading

H is for Health

The relationship between fitness and health is well documented. You certainly don’t need me to tell you that. People who exercise regularly tend to be healthier than their more sedentary counterparts. Why is that? Well a person who exercises regularly usually has a stronger heart. A stronger heart equals a healthier heart. You are more efficient in your oxygen intake and since your heart’s primary function is to get your blood circulating and oxygen delivered to all parts of your body – the fitter it is, the better a job it does. Stronger muscles are another sign of a healthier … Continue reading

G is for Glutes

Your glutes are the largest muscle in your body. No, seriously and I’m not telling you that you have a big butt – in fact, far from it. It’s just that the gluteus maximus is the largest, single muscle in your body. There are plenty of other names for your glutes whether you want to call it your rear, your buttocks or your derriere. But the glutes do more than just look good in a pair of jeans. The glutes are engaged every time you stand up or sit down. Since I’m sure you do this on a regular basis … Continue reading

F is for Fitness

We talk about fitness a great deal here in the fitness blog, but we don’t always talk about what fitness is – exactly. Do you know what physical fitness is? Ultimately, it means a couple of things that are similar, but not altogether the same. First and foremost, physical fitness refers to the general state of your personal fitness – this includes your mental, emotional and physical fitness. There is also fitness that is specific – based on specific training to accomplish a specific task. For example, a dancer who trains to perform a specific routine is still engaging in … Continue reading