What a Joy!

Church this morning was great, even if I did manage to muck up the bible reading by starting to read the wrong passage. I started in 1 Thessalonians instead of 2 Thessalonians. I kept thinking,‘Gee this sounds different to what I read earlier in my New American Standard Version at home’ Good reason for that! Anyway, I was gently corrected and started on take 2. I was thrilled with the songs we sang this morning. We started with By the Cross which has long been a favorite of mine. I love the jazz feel of the tune, not to mention … Continue reading

Using God’s Gifts

On Friday, less than an hour before a concert at a nursing home where our choir was singing, I received a phone call telling me another woman from our choir died, suddenly. She’d been in hospital a while. But last we heard she’d been getting better. I didn’t know the woman well as I’ve only been a member of the choir a short time, but others had known her for years and been quite good friends. So to say the news hit everyone in the choir like a mallet to the head would be an understatement. As part of our … Continue reading

Amazing Grace: Grace Like Rain

Outside the front door of our home is a cross which sights the lyrics to “Amazing Grace” on it. I just fell in love with it when I found it at a Christian book store. The lyrics to the song are incredibly humbling and reason for me to rejoice. The cross is a fresh reminder each time anyone walks through the door of our home of God’s grace. At this time our church is doing a series called “Living in Amazing Grace.” I too often forget how precious God’s grace really is and this series has been a great reminder. … Continue reading