My Experience with Amniocentesis

I had an amniocentesis with my second baby. The test was offered to us after we got a positive result on the alpha fetoprotein blood test. The results came back showing an increased risk of Down’s Syndrome. The funny thing is that I didn’t want the blood test in the first place. When I was pregnant with my first daughter, my doctor had actually advised against the test. He told me the test had a high rate of false positives. After six years of infertility and six weeks of bed rest in early pregnancy, he felt that I didn’t need … Continue reading

Prenatal Testing: Amniocentesis

An amniocentesis involves the doctor taking a sample of the amniotic fluid that surrounds your baby in the womb. The sample is obtained with a long, thin needle. The test is generally used to detect possible birth defects or chromosomal abnormalities. The amniocentesis is generally used to detect genetic disorders, such as: * Chromosomal disorders like Down’s Syndrome and others. The test is about 99% effective at detecting chromosomal abnormalities. * Cystic Fibrosis * Huntington’s Disease * Sickle Cell Disease * Neural Tube Defects * Tay Sachs Disease The test is generally done between 15 and 20 weeks gestation. It’s … Continue reading