Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

Sometimes we hear people say, ‘Why does God let bad things happen to good people?’ Have you ever asked that question? I know I have. And I’ve had people ask it of me. It’s not an easy question to answer. Bad things’ happening to good people is the theme of ‘All the Days of My Life’ by Jo-Anne Berthelsen. But the novel also shows that others are drawn into the kingdom as they see a believer struggle with hardship and loss and still continue to trust in God. Yes, the book is fiction – fiction based on fact. However, we … Continue reading

A Life Weighed Against Euthanasia

Courtney’s blog on Euthanasia stirred this blog. I’ve had situations where I’ve had to have dogs put down because they were in so much pain and know the feelings it aroused in me. It’s a terrible feeling. I can’t imagine what it would feel like with a person. I was upset enough when our pup got hurt last week. Years ago when my Mom was suffering with cancer I remember something on TV at the time about how a person took the situation into their own hands and helped their loved one die. Even though I don’t agree with euthanasia, … Continue reading