Marriage Advice: Don’t Go To Bed Angry

Not going to bed angry sounds great in theory, but in the middle of a knockdown, drag-out fight or extended silent treatment, going to bed is a welcome escape. Falling asleep is another matter. Anger erodes relationships; it resides deep in a person’s soul, affecting reactions, the ability to love and even physical health. While anger may seem exceptionally demonstrative and extroverted, anger can also be very introverted and hidden as a person bottles up their bitterness and ill thoughts. Make Appointments If you are extremely angry and resolution is the last thing on your mind, then it is better … Continue reading

Forgive & Forget

One of the hardest parts of disagreeing with your spouse is that it’s not always easy to forgive transgressions whether they are real or imagined. Yet, even more difficult than forgiving a transgression is forgetting one. Now bear with me, because the old saying goes fool me once, shame on you — fool me twice, shame on me – we all tend to get a little gun shy. However, if love and passion are going to survive in your marriage you have to learn how to wipe the slate clean, forgive each other and forget. While you do not necessarily … Continue reading

Anger in the Muslim Marriage

Have you ever found yourself inexplicably angry at your spouse? Just nitpicking, tearing him apart, and looking for something to be mad about? Or, looking back on an argument, do you ever find yourself unable to pinpoint exactly why you were fighting in the first place? I’m sure we’ve all had these days. Why? Well, it could be that you are, in fact, married to the most annoying person on earth. More likely, though, it is the work of Shaitan (Satan). It is Shaitan’s mission to destroy marriages. Any time he can create a rift between husband and wife, he … Continue reading

Dealing with Anger– the Islamic Way

We all experience anger from time to time. Maybe your spouse did something to upset you… the children are misbehaving… someone cut you off in traffic… your boss is being unreasonable. We share this world with many people of many different personalities. It is inevitable that we will feel anger or frustration from time to time. While the feelings are inevitable, angry reactions are not. In fact, the teachings of Islam are very clear on this: it is haram (forbidden) to lash out in anger. The Koran says: “O ye who believe! Let not a folk deride a folk who … Continue reading

Spanking or Hitting?

Spanking, slapping, swatting, hitting, beating. Is one better than another? Aren’t they all just the same variation on a theme? I’ve heard the arguments; I’ve listened to the justifications. I understand it is open to interpretation. Some parents think those words represent a huge spectrum of actions against the child ranging from the necessary to the abusive. Some parents see them all as the same. I’ve heard parents threaten their child with a “beating” or suggest “If you don’t stop right now, I’m gonna beat your butt,” or other even less pleasant threats. Whether they follow through or even intend … Continue reading

Side Effects of Attachment Disorders (Part 7) Anger and Rage

Anger of course! Who wouldn’t be angry having their lives turned upside down? A child with an attachment disorder usually feels like life is all buck luck for them. Often a child with an attachment disorder resents all the past rejection and abandonment feelings they have learned to accept. Some children can rage for hours about things that were never really there and for things, they never got. Many attachment disorder children are completely out of touch with some of the other important emotions and feelings such as joy, sadness, pain, fear, and most other emotions, but they know what … Continue reading

Road Rage can Get Even the Most Calm of People

Driving safety has taken a new turn with people getting frustrated behind the wheel. After all, vehicles are weapons, and sometimes we forget that. Just the other day, I was driving back from my doctor’s office. On a two-lane street I had decided to let someone pulling out to go in front of me. Well, they had to wait for the right lane to clear, as did I. Just a few seconds after this I heard a honk from behind me. I glanced in my rear view mirror to find a man in his car honking obnoxiously, and apparently yelling. … Continue reading