Training: NILIF

NILIF stands for Nothing In Life Is Free. This is a training program that can work with any type of dog and any time of behavior problem. Step One: Eliminate attention on demand. Is your dog an attention hound? Does he nudge your hand for petting? My Moose dog is definitely an attention hound. To solve the attention hound issue, you need to ignore the dog’s demands for attention. Be strong! He may try even harder to get your attention. But in a pack situation, the top dog demands attention from the lower ones — not the other way around. … Continue reading

Training: Body Language Matters

My dog Moose was surrendered to a shelter because he was “too stubborn”. This says to me that maybe his family didn’t take enough time in training him, but then stubbornness is a stupid reason to dump a dog into a shelter, if you ask me. I’ll admit, Moose is not the brightest dog in the bunch. It’s taken me a while (we just had our three year anniversary together last month) to learn what works and what doesn’t if I want Mr. Moose to listen. Obedience training needs three things from you to line up: your tone of voice, … Continue reading

No Dog = No Walk? No Way!

Just because you don’t have a dog doesn’t mean you can’t walk your pet! Walking Your Cat Select a body harness that pulls from the chest, rather than the throat. Your cat has less chance of wriggling out of a properly fitted harness! Select a lightweight leash. Give your cat a chance to get used to the harness and leash. Leave them out where he can inspect them for a few days. Prepare your cat’s favorite meal. Bribery never hurts! Place the harness on your cat, and then let him enjoy his meal immediately. Lavish praise never hurts, either. After … Continue reading