Koshik the Talking Elephant

Could our next best friend be an elephant?  Maybe not for most of us here stateside, where we’re not exactly equipped to properly look after pachyderms.  But the news out of a zoo in South Korea, reported by BBC News, shows that an elephant has entered the next stage of the human-animal bond: talking. Before now, the only animals we could conceive of really being able to replicate our speech were parrots.  Now elephants are joining the list.  Koshik is a 12-year-old Asian elephant that lives at a zoo in South Korea.  When he started making sounds that his keepers thought … Continue reading

School Won’t Allow Seizure Alert Dog

Service animals are supposed to get free passes to go anywhere normal pets cannot. According to animal website Paw Nation, that almost wasn’t the case for Alaya the German Shepherd. Alaya isn’t your typical seeing eye dog; in fact, she’s not a seeing eye dog at all. Instead, she comes from Seizure Alert Dogs for Life, a group that trains dogs to recognize the signs of an oncoming seizure and alert the humans present to the imminent attack. She’s able to use her extraordinary talent to help Andrew Stevens. Andrew just wants to be a normal 12-year-old. Most of the … Continue reading

Five Species + 15 Minutes = Crazy News

I don’t know what’s going on this week, but it seems like every time I turn on the TV there’s another animal story. Maybe this is par for the course. Maybe there’s always this much coverage of animals and for some reason it’s just catching my eye this week. Who knows? All I know is there are five species who all got their 15 minutes of fame this week whether they wanted it or not. Peregrine Falcons Yesterday I heard on Today that the San Jose City Hall celebrated Earth Day in a big way when three baby peregrine falcons … Continue reading

Waiter! There’s a Cougar in my Hot Tub!

A South Dakota woman had an unpleasant surprise while soaking in a hot tub one morning — a four-legged visitor. Marlene Todd at first thought it was just her house cat roaming the back deck. Then she realized that the animal in the brush at the side of her hot tub was much larger. She opened her eyes and saw a big, tan, hairy form just inches away. It was a mountain lion. The cougar leaped onto the side of the hot tub. For a moment, woman and wild cat locked eyes, then the mountain lion leaped over the hot … Continue reading

Turtle on the Lam

You might not imagine a two hundred pound tortoise would be much of an escape artist. Houdini the turtle? Hard to picture… unless you know Willy. Willy is an eleven year old African tortoise who lives near Riverside, California. He joined the Larsen family as a birthday present. When Willy came home from the pet store, he was small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. Nowadays, Willy is tipping the scales at two hundred pounds. He tips over tables and gives rides to young Larsen nieces and nephews. The family had no idea that Willy would get … Continue reading

Happy’s Happy Ending

How is this for an amazing adventure: a runaway dog is home after seven months in which he managed to find TWO new homes, get neutered, and get renamed. Happy — also known as Radar during his seven month adventure — ran away from his Illinois farm home in April. He had been with his family for more than two years, after human mom Misty Bowman picked him out from a friend’s litter. Human dad Rob named the dog Happy because he looked like he was always smiling. When Happy left for his wild vacation, the Bowmans looked all over … Continue reading

Who Would Your Dog Vote For?

An Australian shepherd mix was registered to vote in Washington State for more than a year in protest of a voting law change. Owner Jane Balogh registered Duncan M. McDonald in April 2006 — in order to meet identification requirements, she put her phone bill in the dog’s name. That was apparently enough for election officials, who sent the dog his first ballot in November 2006. Balogh returned the ballot unmarked — she wrote VOID on it and stamped a paw print on the signature line. Someone called her house after that and she confessed to registering her dog to … Continue reading

An Amazing Fire Escape

Thank goodness cats have nine lives! A cat (who should be named Lucky) escaped a fire in West Orange, New Jersey this weekend with several lives intact. A two-story apartment house caught fire this weekend. No humans were injured in the blaze, but firefighters feared the worst for a tenant’s cat. When the fire was finally out, firefighters found the cat — it had survived the fire inside a couch. The cat had wedged itself down into the cushions and came through the fire without injury. Owner and cat have been reunited and are currently staying with a relative. For … Continue reading

Amazing Wake Up Calls

I was taking a nap yesterday afternoon — hadn’t slept well Saturday night — under just about perfect conditions. There was a light breeze coming in through the open window and the blinds were closed enough to keep the sun out of my eyes. And then my dog Lally stepped on my head. The one drawback of liking to sleep with the windows open and feel a breeze on my face is that my bed is directly under the windows. Lally’s favorite place to look out when there’s a weird noise out front is from my bed. (Her second favorite … Continue reading

Do You Know What Dogfighting Is?

Now that a high-profile sports star has been charged with dogfighting, the phenomenon is all over the news. But do you know what dogfighting is? Dogfighting is — as the name implies — a contest in which two dogs fight each other. The dogs are bred, conditioned, or trained to fight. The fights average an hour in length and can often last more than two hours; the fight is over when one of the dogs cannot or will not continue. During the fight, spectators can watch and bet on the outcome. Dogfighting is illegal in the United States and is … Continue reading