Tests For Your Sixties (and Beyond!)

Life isn’t over at sixty. These regular tests will help keep you feeling your best through your sixties and beyond! Stick with the basics from your twenties, thirties, and forties: Watch your blood pressure. Get it checked every year. Watch your weight. Muscle is replaced with fat AND your metabolism starts to slow down as you age. Watch your cholesterol. High cholesterol is a major cause for heart attack and stroke. Watch the blood sugar. A fasting blood sugar test is recommended every three years to help catch diabetes early. Yearly eye exams. Eye disease like glaucoma and macular degeneration … Continue reading

Tests For Your Forties

As you head into your forties, this is a great time to take stock of your health. You still have time to correct the things you’ve done to yourself in your crazy youth. Some of the things you were doing in your twenties and thirties are still a good idea in your forties: Keep up with the blood pressure checks. It isn’t uncommon to see your blood pressure start to rise as your age does. Continue to watch that weight. The more pounds you’re carrying, the more health problems you are at risk for. Keep getting your cholesterol checked. High … Continue reading

Tests For Your Twenties and Thirties

You want to live a long and healthy life. Start early! Regular check-ups in your twenties and thirties can head off some major health problems before they become problems. Here are some basic things you should do to keep an eye on your health before you turn forty. Watch that weight. Get on the scale — you don’t have to do it every week, but do it. Once every few months, if you don’t seem to have any weight changes going on. But if you’re continually buying the next size up when you go shopping… you may need to consult … Continue reading