Anticipating Where You’d Like to go and Figuring Out What You’ll Need when You get There

While we are busy handling all the daily details and putting out fires in our home businesses in the present—there is still a certain amount of “forward thinking” that we need to do. One of the biggest challenges of running any sort of business is trying to figure out where you are going and anticipating what you might need when you get there… Planning in advance means that you can lay the foundation now so that the infrastructure is ready when you get where you are going. I know that for many of us, we just assume our business is … Continue reading

You Can Still Control the Environment, Even When You’re Away From Home

Earlier today, I wrote about how we can use avoidance as our ally when it comes to parenting. By anticipating trouble areas and understanding our child well enough to know what might set them off or force them to act out, we can avoid many misbehaviors and melt-down incidents before they ever happen. I realize that many parents are thinking, “sure, this is easy at home where I can control the environment and be aware, but I can’t control triggers when we’re out and about!” You’re right, you cannot control everything in your child’s environment wherever you might go, but … Continue reading

Before You Were Born – Nancy White Carlstrom

I confess, sometimes I’ll find a book that makes me blubber like a baby from beginning to end, and when I find a book like that, I know it’s a keeper. An example of this is “Before You Were Born,” a beautiful picture book that takes me back to my pregnancy with my daughter, who is my first-born, and all the hopes and dreams I had for her and how naïve I was to think that my life would not change all that much after I had children. I had no idea how much better my life would be. We … Continue reading