
I’d never heard much about acai before a friend gave me a smoothie-maker for Christmas. Along with the smoothie-maker, I was given a big bag of frozen berries and some packets of acai to kick off my blender experiments. First things first: acai is pronounced ah-sigh-ee. It comes from Brazil and is all the rage in anti-aging these days. You might not think acai is much to look at — but these tiny, dark red and purple berries have huge health benefits. They’re full of essential fatty acids. They’re full of antioxidants — anthocyanins are antioxidants that lend those deep … Continue reading

Antioxidant-Rich Juices

There’s that word again: antioxidants. Those little molecules that bond with free radicals and help protect your body against heart disease, cancer, and more huge health issues. A recent study from UCLA looked at drinks that were chock full of antioxidants. You’ve heard the praise for some of them before — red wine, white tea, and green tea — but you might be surprised about the other seven drinks in the top ten. Fruit juices with the most antioxidants per ounce include: Pomegranate (the highest antioxidant power in a fruit juice) Concord grape Blueberry Black cherry Acai Cranberry Orange One … Continue reading

An Antioxidant Boost for Your Tea

Tea is good for you. We’ve discussed it plenty of times here at It’s full of healthy antioxidants that can provide all sorts of health benefits! Green tea has become the superhero of the tea world, with a ton and a half of good press. Are you ready to make your green tea even healthier? A study from Purdue University has figured out how to kick your antioxidant absorption up a notch — add a splash of citrus juice. Just three tablespoons of your favorite citrus juice (lemon, lime, orange, or grapefruit) can improve the stability of catechins — … Continue reading

The Right Foods to Fight Aging

Are you prepared to grow old gracefully? Or would you rather fight it, kicking and screaming? You don’t need expensive treatments and strict regimens to feel and look younger — the right diet choices can make a huge impact on your health! One of the best things you can do is drink more water. I know, I tell you this all the time… but water is SO good for you! Here are just a few benefits of water: As you age, your sense of thirst can become less acute — so you don’t realize it when you are becoming dehydrated. … Continue reading

Beans, Beans the Magical Health Food

Beans have a bad reputation — probably in part because they’re the “magical fruit” that can cause some serious gas. But beans are a health superstar! Some good news about beans: One cup of beans provides thirteen grams of fiber — that’s half of what you need daily. Beans are full of protein. Beans are full of nutrients like calcium, potassium, and magnesium — three things that many women don’t get enough of in their diets. Red, pinto, and kidney beans are FULL of antioxidants — more than even blueberries or cranberries. Personally, I love beans. I make a mean … Continue reading

Feed Your Skin

The right foods can leave your skin smooth, healthy, and glowing. Blueberries are chock full of antioxidants — more than most other foods do. The antioxidants in blueberries can help protect your skin from dangerous free radicals that result from sun exposure and stress. Just one half cup of blueberries every day can help prevent cell damage that can leave your skin saggy, lined, and wrinkled. Fish with high omega-3 fatty acid content — like sardines, salmon, and mackerel — help strengthen cell membranes. This keeps moisture in your skin cells, leaving your skin plump and soft. Omega-3 fatty acids … Continue reading

The Rainbow of Antioxidants

The more colorful your diet is, the more antioxidants you get. Antioxidants help repair and reduce cell damage all over your body, for a laundry list of beneficial effects: Keep your skin plump and firm. Keep your memory sharp. Prevent disease. Prevent arterial hardening that can lead to heart disease or stroke. Every different color of fruit and vegetable offers the body a different type of healthy antioxidant and other nutrients. Inside and out, antioxidants are good for you. Red fruits and veggies, like tomatoes, red kidney beans, red onion, red bell pepper, radicchio, and watermelon, are full of lycopene. … Continue reading

A Kinder, Gentler, Healthier Cup of Coffee

Good news, coffee lovers: coffee may just be good for you! Outside of caffeine addiction and calorie-laden specialty drinks, a cup of java does have some health benefits for us. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, International Journal of Cancer, and Prevention magazine all agree: two or three cups of caffeinated drinks (including coffee) each day can give more than your energy level a boost! Cut your risk of dying from heart disease by thirty one percent or more. Lower your risk of developing colon cancer. Premium blends may be chock full of cancer-fighting antioxidants (some more than others). Want … Continue reading

Why Does My Body Need Vitamin E?

Vitamin E has been getting a lot of good press in the last few years. This antioxidant vitamin is thought to help promote healing, keep skin hydrated, and much more! Antioxidants are good for you because they help clear free radicals out of your body. Free radicals are the leftovers from your body’s oxygen use that can damage cell walls and cell structures. Too much cell damage can increase your chances of serious diseases; antioxidants help clean the free radicals out of your body. Vitamin E can help protect other compounds (like polyunsaturated fats and vitamin A) from being damaged … Continue reading

What’s all the fuss about dark chocolate?

Well, I’m totally bummed. This afternoon I tucked a small nugget of dark chocolate in my pocket. I like dark chocolate much better when it’s warm and soft, and I’d planned it as a treat after I finished my lunch. Lunch was finished and I got caught up in something. Two hours later I stood up and though “What’s in my pocket?” I reached in and mashed the chocolate all over my hand and the inside of my pocket. Dang it! That was perfectly good chocolate gone to waste! In honor of my lost chocolate I thought it was a … Continue reading