Did Your Deodorant Stop Working?

The deodorant/antipersperant aisle at the store is full of options. Sporty, teen, extra strength, spray, invisible, transdimensional, does the dishes too, etc. I used Secret because that was what my mom used… and I stuck with it for years. One day, I noticed that it wasn’t working as well as it used to. The powder fresh scent wasn’t lasting as long, and I was starting to feel sweaty. Betrayed! By my favorite deodorant! Oh, the horror! Heartbroken, I switched to another brand — Suave, if you’re curious. I’ve more or less been switching between the two every few years now, … Continue reading


Sage is a hardy perennial shrub that you might have in your own herb garden! The leaves can look pebbly and veined and are hairy or velvety. Ancient Arabians and other people associated sage with longevity. The medical school in Salerno, Italy came up with this saying in the tenth century: “Why should a man die, when he can go to his garden for sage?” The Latin name — salvia officinalis — derives from the word for salvation. The herb was also credited with increasing mental capacity. Native Americans used sage mixed with bear grease to cure sores on the … Continue reading