News Round up for Thursday, March 13th

Microsoft says no Blu-Ray, for the computer user who has everything, AOL buys Bebo Microsoft says no Blu-Ray If you own a Microsoft Xbox 360, you are probably disappointed in the fact that the HD DVD format is dead. You’ll won’t be able to use that little aspect of the Xbox 360. There have been rumors around that Microsoft is going to “upgrade” its Xbox 360 systems with Blu-Ray players to support the new, winning, high definition format. Microsoft officially says no way, denying that it has any plans to integrate Blu-Ray into anything, including the Xbox 360. Perhaps the … Continue reading

Me & My Computer

Recently, Mary Ann asked me for some thoughts on computers and I have to admit, I had to think about. My computer is a fundamental tool in my everyday life. I use it for school. I use it for work. I use it for leisure time entertainment. I use it for my news. I use it for communicating both personally and professionally. If you were to give me the option of taking away my television or my computer, it’s the computer that I would choose, every single time. Staying On Top Of Things I remember the first computer I received. … Continue reading