An Open Letter to My New Neighbors

Dear Neighbors: welcome to the complex. From the looks of your license plates, you’ve made a huge cross-country journey. I know the feeling. Welcome to your cute dog, too. I only caught a glimpse of him or her as I was walking my dogs, but hey, I like all dogs and lots of cats, too. I did, however, notice that you tethered your dog outside without supervision. Aside from it being against the pet agreement in the lease you signed, I think this is a bad idea. Here’s why: Your back patio faces the community playground. There are lots of … Continue reading

Why I’m Walking a Different Way

I ran into one of my neighbors when I was walking Moose and Lally the other night. She’s one of the first people I met when I moved here last May, and we’ve been friendly ever since. She mentioned that she hadn’t seen me as much lately — I used to walk Moose and Lally past her apartment often. Her little dog would come charging out, tail wagging, to say hello. I responded that I was trying to avoid cats. Lally has become quite the kitty hunter, and there are several semi-feral cats that tend to congregate in the landscaping … Continue reading

Why the Dogs and I Hate Tuesdays

Over the last year, Tuesday has become my least favorite day of the week. You can try to guess why, but I don’t think you’ll get it. It’s not because of what’s on TV or what my schedule is like. It’s because Tuesday is landscaping day at the apartment complex where I live. Tuesdays are a day off from the cats only boarding facility, but I have to get up early anyway on Tuesday. I have to take Moose and Lally out for a nice long walk before the lawnmowers and weedwackers start up at 8:30. Then it’s a barkathon … Continue reading

How To Be A Good Neighbor

Apartment living means we have to be a lot more considerate about our neighbors. Not that this is a big surprise to me; it’s just an adjustment. Moose, Lally, and I spent the last three years living in a house with a huge yard and now we’re living in an apartment with no yard and lots of people close by. So what makes a good neighbor? Friendliness, for sure — I’m in a totally new area and while I knew some people before I moved, I don’t know anybody here at the apartment complex. We’ve made friends with another dog … Continue reading