Family Travel—-What You Can Learn at an Apple Orchard

We just returned from our annual trip to the local apple orchard and I’m staring at the receipt from our adventure. My 3-year-old daughter spent more than an hour happily bouncing from branch to branch plucking ripe red apples and placing them into her plastic bag. (This was after I convinced her that the farmer might ask us to leave if she continued to throw rotten apples into the nearby buffalo pen.) Gazing at my receipt it appears the hands on lesson in produce growing and harvesting was included in the price of the apples. The apples at the U-Pick … Continue reading

Fun Fall Family Travel Destinations—Part 5: Farms and Festivals

Today we continue our series Fun Fall Family Travel Destinations. We are up to Part 5: Farms and Festivals. If you are just joining us, this blog will provide you with family friendly travel recommendations-ways to take advantage of all of those spectacular autumn activities. So far, we’ve covered corn mazes and haunted houses, and hiking trails, and train rides. Now we are moving on to some of the most popular fall travel destinations: Farms and Festivals. FARMS On a sun-filled, brisk autumn day there is no better place to spend an afternoon than at a pumpkin patch/apple orchard. Most … Continue reading