Microsoft Copy Protection Hacked (Again)

Copy protecting music files that are purchased or shared electronically has always been an issue for the music industry. Elaborate DRM (Digital Rights Management) technology has been developed as a way to stop, or at least curb illegal sharing of music files. But DRM technology, at least when it relates to the Microsoft Windows Media software, is a target for hackers. The hackers claim that it is unfair to have restrictions on music files that have been legally purchased. For example, if you purchase a song and want to have it on more than one device, such as a desktop, … Continue reading

The First iPhone Bug

Before the release of the iPhone, there were many questions about how to get one, what the interface and functionality would be like, etc. After the release there was a new question: What sort of bug might appear? This is nothing against Apple, which has one of the lowest rates of hardware or software bugs out there, or the iPhone itself. It is just that with technology, especially cutting edge technology, there are bound to be a few critters that sneak in here and there. Well, the first iPhone bug has been found and acknowledged. Yesterday, Apple officially declared that … Continue reading

Wednesday Widgets: Radar in Motion

Summer can also mean thunderstorm season, when the heat and humidity come together in just the right way. It seems like we have been having quite our share of severe thunderstorms in the last few weeks, here in Pennsylvania. I have been finding myself watching the weather carefully because of this. We have to plan our summer family activities around the weather, and be prepared at home in case we lose power (and therefore water, too). There have been a number of weather-related widgets coming out, but I like Radar in motion. Rather than just giving me a forecast, as … Continue reading

New iMacs to Be “Off The Charts”

Everyone has been buzzing about possible new iMacs that may be coming soon. Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple said that the new iMacs “will be off the charts.” So what does that mean? Well, there has been some speculation about possible features. One new feature that is rumored to be part of the new iMacs is a multi-touch mouse that is highly intuitive and interactive. The mouse would differ from a regular computer touch pad in that it would be much more like the touch screen on the iPhone. With a multi-touch mouse, you may be able to squeeze … Continue reading

Are The iPhones Sold Out?

In case you are wondering if you can still get an iPhone, the answer is, well, maybe. But, it certainly won’t be easy. Apple is reporting that Apple Stores are almost completely sold out of the cutting edge device. In fact, they are sold out in the following states (in alphabetical order): Hawaii, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Utah and Washington, so if you live in one of those state, you just might have to cross the border (or up ocean) to seek your iPhone. You can always check with your local AT&T store. However, Mark … Continue reading

iPhone News Roundup

Here is the latest news iPhone news that is making the headlines for today, July 2, 2007. Outselling estimates Before the launch of the iPhone last Friday, June 29th, analysts were predicting sales of 200,000 to 312,000 iPhones. critics thought those numbers were far too high. But, it seems both the analysts and the critics were wrong about the iPhone sales. In actuality, more than 525,000 units were sold this past weekend, according to both the Los Angles Times and Reuters in reports released today. Analyst Trip Chowdhry of Global Equities Research in San Francisco, reported that at least half … Continue reading

The iDay Frenzy

The Apple iPhone is due to be released and available for sale today, starting at 6 p.m. Starting Yesterday (Thursday), thousands lined up in anticipation of buying their iPhone, tolerating everything from sticky heat and humidity to torrential rains to make sure that they are among the first to get their hands on the coveted device. Apple and AT&T have not disclosed how many units will actually be available for sale, although some analysts predict that the demand will far exceed the availability. This news, combined with the hype surrounding the iPhone has led to a frenzied panic among consumers … Continue reading

What Will that iPhone Cost You?

With the highly anticipate launch of the iPhone, scheduled for this coming Friday, June 29th, people everywhere are gearing up to head down to the store, money in hand. While some people may head to the Apple Store to purchase their iPhone, Apple itself recommends that customers head over to AT&T instead. This is because Apple employees have not been trained in all of the various rates and service plans that will be available to iPhone owners. But, do the AT&T employees themselves know? AT&T has been very hush-hush about what plans will be available and what the costs of … Continue reading

iPhone on The Move

Eager for the iPhone to arrive? In anticipation of Friday’s iPhone release date, shipments of the Apple iPhone have been making their way through the United States during this past weekend.The iPhones are currently being stored in various locations throughout the country, in FedEx storage facilities. They will remain in those facilities until they mobilize again for the big launch. The somewhat covert operation of moving all of those iPhones has caused some challenges. For example, the arrival of the iPhones had to be heralded in with armed security guards, such as the kind you might find guarded Wells Fargo … Continue reading

Cancellation Fee for iPhone

If you are planning on purchasing an iPhone come friday, think twice or maybe three times to make sure that it is something you really want. That is because AT&T announced that it will charge a fee to any customer who purchases an iPhone, signs up for the two-year contract and breaks that contract. The early termination fee will cost customers $175, if they choose to end their mobile contract before its time. Critics of this latest practice say that it doesn’t make sense because AT&T is not subsiding the cost of the phone and wouldn’t be out any money … Continue reading