Marriage Laws: New Hampshire & Maine

With the wedding season fast approaching, I wanted to spend this month talking about the marriage laws throughout the country. With fifty states, it should hardly surprise you that marriage laws are not identical from state to state. Today, we’re going to take a look at the states of New Hampshire and Maine. New Hampshire When it comes to getting married, there are a few legalities to get out of the way prior to the ceremony in order to have your marriage recognized legally by the state. You should probably plan to do that about a month before the wedding. … Continue reading

100 Million iPods Are Sold

“At this historic milestone, we want to thank music lovers everywhere for making iPod such an incredible success,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO in an announcement earlier this month. Jobs was referring to the fact that 100 million iPods have been sold. The iPod was introduced by Apple about five-and-a-half years ago, in November of 2001. The 100 millionth iPod sale breaks a record, making the iPod the fastest selling music player in the world. While other companies, such as Sony, have attempted to break into the portable digital music playing world, it seems that people everywhere just love their … Continue reading

Are You An Apple or a Pear?

No, I don’t mean do you like to EAT apples or pears—I’m talking about your body type. People typically fall into one body category: Pears: If you are a pear-shape, you likely have a smaller upper body and a larger lower body. You may have a narrow waist and carry excess weight through your hips and thighs. Apples: If you are an apple-shape, you likely have a larger upper body and a smaller lower body, with excess weight carried in your upper body, especially your stomach. If you’re a pear, consider yourself lucky. Though your excess weight is not good … Continue reading

New England Lighthouses

One of our family’s favorite vacations is heading to New England. We usually try to get there during the peak season for the changing of leaf colors but regardless of the season, visiting New England lighthouses is a wonderful opportunity. While I have not personally stayed at all of these, I have checked them out and wanted to pass information on to you. The first is a place called The First Light Bed and Breakfast. Located in East Blue Hill, Maine, this charming B&B is found in McHeard Cove, which offers some of the most natural beauty and tranquility on … Continue reading

An Apple A Day…

Did you go apple picking this year? Our family takes an annual ride out to a local apple orchard, not because we can’t get enough of the sweet (or tart) fruit, but because my 2-year-old delights in yanking apples from their branches and toting them around in a little bag. The only problem is we never leave with just her little bag. We end up getting at least a bushel of mixed apples (from Honeycrisp to Granny Smith) and then I am faced with the challenge of creating dishes with them that the whole family will eat (see two of … Continue reading

“Take A Hike”—On The Appalachian Trail

Have you ever heard the expression: “Take a hike?” Growing up, it was considered my dad’s catchphrase. Whenever my brothers or I wanted to use the car for some Friday night fun we’d nervously approach my father and sheepishly ask if we could PLEASE borrow the keys. His response: “Take a hike.” (He, of course, was kidding—well, at least most of the time.) Years (make that decades) have passed since I was told to “take a hike,” but the phrase stuck and I think about it (flashback, flashback) whenever I hear about nature trails. Such is the case in writing … Continue reading

An iPod Cell Phone?

It seems like our electronic devices seem to be getting smaller and smaller, and combining more and more into one. With so many people interested in a pocket sized “do everything” gadget it should come as no surprised that Apple is considering the release of an iPod cell phone. An article in the Apple Insider yesterday indicates that Apple may have an Ipod phone up its sleeve. The companies main reservations for releasing a phone would be the damage it would do to their market for smaller ipods like the shuffle and Nano. I recently went to my cell phone … Continue reading

Two Fruit Biscotti Recipes

Here are two great biscotti recipes for you to try. One is Orange Biscotti and one is Apple. Doesn’t matter which one you make – they are both delicious! Orange Biscotti For this recipe, you will need butter, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, eggs, flour, candied orange peel, two oranges (for fresh orange peel), and Grand Marnier. To prep for this recipe, you will need to shred the orange peel from your two fresh oranges. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Beat together 1/3 cup of butter, 2/3 cup of sugar, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, and 1/4 teaspoon of … Continue reading

Travel Deals: Maine

Did you know that Maine is nicknamed the Pine Tree State because 90 percent of its land is forest? Did you also know that the state is the number one exporter of blueberries and toothpicks? And you thought Maine was only know for its lobster. So did I… until my paternal grandmother, a native of Maine, gave me a few lessons about what the state had to offer. (I knew that there is much more to appreciate than a few random facts.) Of course, there is a better way to learn more about the 23rd state… treat the family to … Continue reading

A Hands-On History Lesson

As children my brothers and I would often trek down to the end of our street and climb into a makeshift fort made out of a few rotting boards and some tree branches. It was flimsy and small, but our imaginations more than made up for what it lacked in space and design. I thought about that fort just the other day when some friends invited us to travel with them to Fort Williams, one of Maine’s most popular destinations for families. In 1894, President McKinley named Fort Williams the first military defense in Cape Elizabeth, Maine. Today, it is … Continue reading