Managing all the Appointments

There are definitely those stretches of time when I feel like I would love to let go of the “secretary” or “personal assistant” part of my job as a single parent. Between doctor’s appointments, trips to the dentist, meetings with school personnel, college visits, therapists, entrance exams—you can probably see and relate to how just managing the appointments for a moderate-sized family of three kids and one parent can be pretty exhausting! My datebook is a constant mass of scribbles. It gets tough when there are overlapping appointments and one of the realities of my single parent scene is that … Continue reading

Shopping Online or Ordering through Catalogs

Well, wouldn’t you know it? I’m here to brag about catalog shopping and Mary Ann’s showing us how to Tame Catalog Clutter. Those catalogs can pile up! I just hate getting rid of them. The good news is her system is simple, so we can all have less mess but still have fun shopping. The catalogs I do keep are quite handy. I think Mary Ann will be proud of me though, since I decided last year to cancel all the catalogs I don’t really need. I had the catalog clutter blues. They wouldn’t stop coming! Now, I only receive … Continue reading