Be Sure to Say “Thanks” when They do What they Should!

Do not underestimate the power of a well-placed “Thank you!” when it comes to parenting your child. You might be surprised how much of an effect a genuine and heartfelt nod of appreciation can have on your child. As long as you don’t abuse it, remembering to say thanks and show appreciation when your child does something he or she is supposed to do—can go a long way in making the fluke turn into habit. We parents spend so much time telling our children what we want them to do, what they should and shouldn’t do, and what we would … Continue reading

Time for a Pat on the Back?

Let me be the first to congratulate all you parents out there–you made it through another Christmas! Maybe everything wasn’t picture perfect or like that imaginary fairy tale holiday you have always imagined–but no doubt you did the very best you could and whether things came off without a hitch or not, it’s over, you did it! Time for that pat on the back. After the presents are all unwrapped and you’ve tried to salvage as many bows and ribbons as possible. After the dishes have all been done and the leftovers sealed away in little plastic storage containers. There … Continue reading

Coupons and Discounts as a “Thank You” to Customers

Earlier today, I suggested snazzy postcards as a way of saying “thank you” to customers and prospects. It dawned on me that sometimes it seems like a simple note of thanks just isn’t enough—especially during this time of year. Some businesses send out a special discount or a coupon as a way of saying “thanks” and this technique can also generate more business as well. I am sure you have been on the receiving end of a special discount or coupon offered to “our best customers” as “a way of saying thank you.” I don’t know about you, but I … Continue reading

So Thankful for Working From Home

It is customary this time of year (and particularly today) to take stock and share the things in one’s life that one is grateful for. It seemed the perfect opportunity to celebrate my appreciation for being able to work from home and having my own business… In between setting the Thanksgiving table and kneading the dough for the homemade dinner rolls, I am also doing a little work at my computer this morning. Still in my comfy pajamas and feeling ever productive in a relatively quiet house, I couldn’t help but feel a wave of gratefulness for the way a … Continue reading


I woke up this morning feeling grand waves of appreciation. It is definitely not always the case–most mornings I struggle to get my eyes open so I can get in the shower and get myself going and the rest of the house. While I have learned how to focus more on appreciation over the years, it has been a concerted effort–relearning how to see the glass as half-full instead of cracked and leaking. I have met other single parents who used to think of themselves as optimistic but since becoming single parents find it more of a challenge. This morning, … Continue reading

Focus on What You DO Have

The life of a single parent can be one of “lack”—we might be living on a tight budget, in a world where time is scarce and we just don’t feel like we have enough. This can be a trap, however, and we can get stuck in this “not enough” place. The anecdote is to focus on all the things and experiences we DO have, and take appreciative stock of where we are. So, single parent comrade, what is going well? What do you have that you can be appreciatively thankful for? Your child? Home? Health? A playful and healthy pet? … Continue reading

Murphy, Kitty, and Tabby’s Dilemma: What to Get Wayne for Father’s Day?

Three times a year Murph, Kitty, and I struggle with what to get Wayne for (a) his birthday, (b) Christmas, and (c) Father’s Day. This year Tabby will get initiated into the chaos, starting with Father’s Day. She’ll find Wayne’s not an easy person to give gifts to. He’s pretty modest and doesn’t like being made a fuss over. Nor does he like receiving lavish gifts. He’d rather see us saving our pennies instead of wasting them on him. Except, he does an awful lot for us, not to mention puts up with an awful lot from us. We have … Continue reading

Tip of the Day- Visit Someone in the Hospital

Its’ a sure-fire cure for whatever ails you. Spend some time with someone who needs you. Go visit a hospital, or a nursing home. It doesn’t matter if you know someone in the hospital or not. Call your friends, or your clergy, ask them if they know someone you could visit or help. If that fails, just pick up and go. If you feel a little awkward, take a small gift with you: some daisies, a balloon, or a stuffed animal your kids don’t use anymore. Even better, take a friend. When you get to where you’re going, stop at … Continue reading

Can You Be Too Romantic?

Being a hopeless romantic myself, I say the answer to the question in the title is “no.” I don’t think there is such a thing as being too romantic, at least as far as my relationship is concerned. That answer may vary with different couples. Some spouses aren’t particularly comfortable with numerous romantic gestures. This may be because he or she isn’t certain how to reciprocate. Your mate not be as creative or as expressive as you are when it comes to such things, and may feel a little put off. Make sure he or she knows that you don’t … Continue reading

Is Housework Sexy?

The title may seem like a bizarre question at first, but the answer is yes, in my opinion. I have to say, cooking and cleaning can be quite sexy, especially when my husband is the one doing them! The other day he was helping me with holiday cleaning, and I said (over the noise of the vacuum), “You look so hot when you’re cleaning house.” He laughed. I laughed, but there is some truth to it. It makes me feel closer to him when he takes the time to help me. I believe most women find their men extra attractive … Continue reading