Approaches to Studying

One of the final sections of my qualifying examinations has got me thinking about how students can process a great amount of material in a relatively short amount of time. I have been given the task of reading nine books in areas I wasn’t taught and didn’t specifically study. I will sit in a room with professors from these disciplines and they will expect me to have some amount of knowledge about these nine books. How can one approach something like that? It seems to me that there are two basic options (and blending them would take more time and … Continue reading

You Call That Homeschooling? Part Two

About six months ago, Valorie wrote a blog called You Call That Homeschooling. It’s excellent. Go read it. Well some messages from the last couple of days have me in a place where I am defending my mode of homeschooling. While it is a bit odd to turn someone else’s post into a series, this discussion was only fitting to put under the same category. If you read my post from this morning, Homeschool Resource Review: The Masters Academy of Fine Arts, then you know that someone has challenged the way I homeschool my kids as not really counting as … Continue reading

Nurturing Temperamental Traits – Approach/Withdrawal

Approach or withdrawal explains your child’s response to new situations or people. Does your child eagerly approach a roomful of strangers? Do they cry whenever you leave them? Does your child like to go places or cry/resist when taken somewhere new? Approach The approachable child loves to meet new people and go new places. Life is an adventure that they eagerly embrace. Going to a new school or attending daycare is viewed as an opportunity to make new friends. They are confident and sure of themselves around strangers. When they are in a new place they will feel free to … Continue reading