Goldfish Bloat

Bloat can be a serious health issue for aquarium fish — especially goldfish. How do you know if your goldfish has bloat? The following symptoms are common at various stages of bloat: Bloating or swelling of the body. Passing clear, bubbly strings of feces (in early bloat). Refusal to eat. Inability to poop (in advanced bloat). Difficulty swimming. Reddish areas on the skin (in advanced bloat — often an indication of internal bleeding, which can lead to life-threatening infection). A goldfish doesn’t have a stomach that uses acid to break down foods, like humans do. Goldfish don’t have stomachs at … Continue reading

Aquarium Maintenance

Very few pets are of the “set it and forget it” variety. They need constant care to stay happy and healthy! Keeping an aquarium clean and safe for your fish can take quite a bit of work… but it’s worth it! Daily checks should include: Observing the fish. Watch for signs of illness, including breathing difficulty, discoloration, and weird growths. Watch how your fish interact with each other. Check temperature and filtration system. A thermometer stuck to the glass or hanging from the top of the tank is a quick and easy way to make sure the water is comfortable … Continue reading

Betta Fish and Tank Size

You may have heard that betta fish should be kept alone. That’s a simple solution to a more complicated question! Male betta fish will fight each other if they are too close together in an aquarium. So if you’ve got a small tank (like twenty gallons and under), it’s probably best to have just one male betta fish. Females are somewhat more tolerant of each other, and can share if there is adequate room in the tank. In nature, there will be more than one male betta fish in a body of water — but that body of water can … Continue reading

Do Aquarium Pets Beg?

This past Monday was the tournament for my Monday night volleyball league. Like I did during the tourney for my Thursday night league, I sat around talking to my teammates. And, like what happened then with that conversation leading to blog material (see “Wives Judging Wives”), Monday night’s conversation also provided blog material. (This time for the Pets Blog, though, instead of the Marriage Blog.) It all started once I told two girls on my team, Jennifer and Susan, what exactly it is I do during the day. Susan’s an ardent animal lover. She’s very involved with rescuing dogs. At … Continue reading