Tag Archives: aquarium
Aquarium Electrical Safety
Water… and electricity. Sounds like a bad combination, right? But in your aquarium — if you have a filtration system or a heater or lights or other nifty gadgets — you probably have electricity and water living in close quarters. Here’s a scary fact: the amount of current needed to give a person an electric shock is low. Only ten milliamps can give you a painful shock. Fifty milliamps and above can be fatal. And your filters and heaters and lighting may be using something like eight hundred milliamps. That’s more than enough to be dangerous. RULE ONE: Turn off … Continue reading
When A Fish Goes Missing
Have you ever looked into your tank and not been able to find a fish? It happens more often than you might imagine. Oh where, oh where has my little fish gone? Check inside the filter. Smaller fish can easily get into a filter’s intake tube. Unfortunately, most fish who get into the filter tube do not survive the experience. You can prevent this by placing a sponge filter on the outside of the tube to block the opening. You could even cover the intake tube end with a piece of old pantyhose! Look behind and underneath ornaments and plants. … Continue reading
Tropical Fish Basics
An aquarium can be a lovely addition to a home or office; the sight of colorful fish and the sound of water can be fascinating and very calming. Here are some tips to get you started with a tropical aquarium. In general, you can have one inch of fish per gallon of water. Be sure to think about the adult size of your fish, not just the juvenile size! Avoid overcrowding your tank — this increases the frequency of tank maintenance and can make your fish uncomfortable. With larger sized fish, you may want to provide two or three gallons … Continue reading
Goldfish Care Tips
A goldfish may seem like a quick and easy pet — just toss it in a tank and make sure you feed it! But there is much more to goldfish care if you want your fish to live a long and healthy life. Ten years or more is not an unusual lifespan for a well-cared-for goldfish. Tank Tips: Pick a tank that has a hood — it keeps the fish from jumping out and keeps debris out of the tank. Pick gravel that isn’t too sharp — you don’t want your goldfish to hurt himself searching for food. Fish love … Continue reading
Moving Your Aquarium
Making a move? Bringing your fish along doesn’t have to be a hassle, but you do need to be careful. Tropical fish are susceptible to sudden changes in water temperature, so you need to take precautions to keep them safe. Unless your tank is a small one (five gallons or less) you’ll need to take your tropical fish out of the aquarium for moving. If you are moving the fish in your small aquarium, be sure to take out anything that might shift in transit and break the glass: the aerator, heater, hood, and accessories. Take half the water out … Continue reading