Calling in My Assistant Dog Wranglers

As much of a handful as my dogs can be at times, I’m mostly able to take care of them without too much extra help. But this April, I’ll need the dog care backup team to take care of Moose and Lally for me. In case you don’t follow the Health Blog, here’s a quick recap: I’ll be having a hysterectomy thanks to some rather sizable fibroids (one is the size of a mandarin orange, one is the size of a football). The surgery requires a three to four day hospital stay, plus a grand total of ten days with … Continue reading

Don’t Ask for Help – Break the Bad Habit

Interestingly enough, my husband and I had an argument recently and the fruit of that argument was a revelation I wanted to share with our readers here. It’s a bad habit to ask your spouse for help on issues like household chores and activities. Why is it a bad habit? Because asking for help implies that if you don’t ask, you have it all covered and that this task is ours to ask for help on or not. The truth is, our responsibilities from household chores to financial responsibilities – they are shared responsibilities and have been since the very … Continue reading