Merry Christmas, Curious George! — Margret and H.A. Rey

What would Christmas be without taking a moment to celebrate with Curious George? He’s almost as much a tradition as Santa Claus! The man with the yellow hat has taken George to the Christmas tree farm to pick out the perfect tree. They’re all lined up, like in the jungle, and George quickly climbs to the top to get a better look. He jumps from tree to tree, looking for just the right one. How many trees are at the farm? They seem to go on forever! He is sitting near the top of one of the tallest ones when … Continue reading

Santa’s Last Present – Marie-Aude Murail and Elvire Murail

Julian is getting just a little old for Santa – at least, he thinks so. His mother and father seem to disagree, and Santa is all they can talk about as Christmas gets closer. Finally, just to appease his parents, Julian writes a letter to Santa and asks for a video game system just like his cousin’s. His mother goes a little pale when she sees the request, but Julian assures her that Santa can afford that kind of thing. Christmas morning comes and sure enough – the game system is under the tree. But way back under the tree … Continue reading

An Early American Christmas – Tomie dePaola

This fun children’s Christmas book is set in a small New England town a long, long time ago. No one had decorated or put candles in their windows. There weren’t even any wreaths on the doors. But then a new family moved in. They had come from Germany, and they decorated and they sang Christmas carols. Everyone called them the Christmas family. They began their preparations in the fall, by gathering up bayberries and making candles by dipping string into wax. The bayberry-scented candles would fill the home with delicious scents. They also gathered apples, pumpkins, and squash, putting them … Continue reading

Book Review: The Christmas Menorahs: How a Town Fought Hate

My last blogs have talked about racist incidents a few adoptees have recently faced and resources for responding. The Christmas Menorahs: How a Town Fought Hate, by Janice Cohn, is based on the true story of events that happened in Billings, Montana in 1993. In 1993, a group in Billings sent out leaflets saying hateful things about several ethnic groups and Jewish people in particular. They spray-painted threats on a Native American home, threatened an African-American church, and damaged a synagogue. As Hanukkah began, rocks were thrown through several windows of homes displaying menorahs. One of these large rocks shattered … Continue reading

Dumpy Saves Christmas – Julie Andrews Edwards and Emma Walton Hamilton

Recognize the name of the first author listed for this book? Sure enough, Julie Andrews, star of stage and film, is a children’s author. I confess, I didn’t know that until I picked up this book. Let’s take a peek at this amazing woman’s surprising talent. “Dumpy Saves Christmas” is the story of Dumpy, a dump truck. He lives on Merryhill Farm, where everyone is scrambling around to get ready for Christmas, which is the very next day. Pop-Up takes his grandson, Charlie, out to the shed so they can give Dumpy a can of anti-freeze to keep him going … Continue reading

Bear Noel – Olivier Dunrea

Christmas Eve has come to the north woods, and thick snow covers everything, making it sparkle in the moonlight. Bear Noel has his heavy pack over his shoulder as he makes his way through the snow, bringing gifts to all the animals in the woods. The wolf and the hare peep out of their dens, each of them eagerly awaiting Bear Noel’s arrival. “He is coming!” they both say, their ears perking at the sound of paws in the snow. The fox and the boar join them in their wait. Now they can hear the jingle of bells and merry … Continue reading

Jingle the Christmas Clown – Tomie dePaola

It’s Jingle’s job to ride in the circus wagon with the baby animals. He’s too young to perform with the older clowns, so until they decide he’s ready, he helps take care of the babies. He loves traveling with the circus and listening to the band as they move from town to town across the countryside. Frick, Frack, Smick and Smack, the little monkeys, were particularly frisky that day. Lolly, the baby elephant, was getting tired of traveling. They were almost to the small village where they always performed on Christmas Eve, and soon they would all be able to … Continue reading

Hannah’s Bookmobile Christmas – Sally Derby

I remember seeing a bookmobile once as a child. Many still exist in areas too small for a library, but for those of us who live in town, they’re a rare sight. “Hannah’s Bookmobile Christmas” takes us to a place where they were in common use. “Blue Bird” was the name of this particular bookmobile, and Mary loved it. She had been the mobile’s first driver/librarian, and she took her job very seriously. Now her eight-year-old niece Hannah is her helper, and it’s Christmas Eve. The snow is starting to fall, and Mary’s getting worried. If she can’t make her … Continue reading

Noel for Jeanne-Marie – Francoise

It’s wintertime in Jeanne-Marie’s small French village, and a light snow is falling. Jean-Marie talks to Patapon, her small sheep, and tells her how excited she is about Christmas. But Patapon has never heard about Christmas. Jeanne-Marie tells Patapon that Christmas, or Noel, as she calls it, is the day that celebrates the birth of the baby Jesus. And, if you’ve been very good, and you place your wooden shoes by the fireplace, Father Noel will come and fill them with presents. Patapon becomes very excited, but then sad. She has four shoes, but she can’t take them off. If … Continue reading

Wombat Divine – Mem Fox

Wombat from down under is here to share a sweet Christmas tale with us. It’s a week before Christmas and Wombat is so excited. He loves the lights and the presents, he loves the Christmas caroling – but best of all is the Nativity play. Wombat has been waiting to be old enough to be in the play, and this year, he finally is. He rushes off to the auditions, anxious to take part. When he gets there, he sees all of his animal friends gathered together. Emu is making a list of the actors and their parts. When she … Continue reading