Watch Out for Dependency

We single parents often wrestle with feeling the need to be TOO independent—at least that is how it has been for me. I have gotten so used to being on my own that I can very easily slip into stoicism. I do NOT find it easy to ask for, or accept help. But for some single parents, just the opposite is true—it becomes so much easier to accept help and let others take care of things, that becoming overly-dependent becomes a problem. Being encouraged and feeling a part of a supportive community and family is one thing; and it is … Continue reading

Pros and Cons of WIC

We have used WIC since our adopted children were first placed in our home. Now it is phasing out as the boys grow older. The benefits of WIC are good, but some people may not want to go through the difficulties that come with it. In Texas, you qualify for WIC if your children (foster, adopted, or natural) are on Medicaid. We were eligible because our children qualified for Medicaid because of their status as foster / adopted children. The reason to want to be on WIC is the free food. For each child over one and under five in … Continue reading

Financial Assistance in Adoption

Many people do not consider adopting or fostering a child because they assume that it would be too expensive for them to take on the responsibility of having another child in their home. Most states provide subsidies to assist with the expenses of taking care of a child. These subsidies are generally not considered as taxable income. In my state, the payments are made one month in arrears. For our family, there was an added frustration in that the money was paid through an adoption agency and they sometimes held the money for an extra month. An additional problem in … Continue reading