Health Benefits of Coconut

I am allergic to coconut (and pineapple and shrimp), which really is not that unusual, unless you were born and raised in Hawaii. Yes, the jokes start to fly once I tell people about my food allergies. All kidding aside, when I informed my daughter’s pediatrician about my many food allergies shortly after she was born he recommended that we not introduce shellfish or other tropical fruits into her diet until she was at least 3-years-old. My daughter turned 3 a few weeks ago. Two days ago we attended a party that featured a gigantic white coconut cake. I’m not … Continue reading

Severe Reactions To Bug Bites

For one miserable summer when I was in elementary school, I had some bad reactions to mosquito bites. Two or more bites in a localized area and I would swell right up. The worst was the three bites on my cheek and forehead that swelled my left eye shut! Each time it happened, I ended up at the doctor’s office or in the emergency room for some heavy-duty antihistamines. And those shots always hurt! I’m lucky that my reactions weren’t worse — they were severe locally, but not system-wide. Systemic allergic reactions involve the whole body and usually are a … Continue reading

Home Remedies For Bug Bites

I managed to hold out until May to get my first mosquito bites. Unfortunately, the little pests managed to chomp me in the armpit — a somewhat embarrassing place to try to scratch! Mild reactions to insect bites can be quickly and easily treated at home. Deal with the bite itself as soon as possible: If a stinger (like from a bee or wasp) remains in the bite site, try to pull it out as soon as possible! Use a flat knife or other flat edge to scrape out the stinger; venom may remain in the stinger and can be … Continue reading

Travel Tips For Allergy Sufferers

The countdown to summer vacation is on and if you are like most families you are likely planning a family trip to somewhere fun and fabulous. Unfortunately, if you have allergies or asthma, the symptoms travel with you. Two of my brothers have asthma and I have severe allergies so our family trips usually meant schlepping around backpacks filled with various medications. If you have children with allergies or asthma or you suffer from the condition, it is important to plan ahead for any changes in the environment that may affect your allergies or asthma. Prior to leaving on extended … Continue reading

Fun, with a side of understanding – hold the nuts

My gal likes to be the one to find us a plum spot when we pull into any parking lot. She will scan the area, swinging her head from side to side, and do her best to line up a prime location for our car to rest while we shop. Recently, on a trip to Whole Foods, she thought she had a great one, right in front of the store. Little did she know it was a handicap spot, complete with blue paint on the ground and a sign planted into the earth. She was upset that I did not … Continue reading

Spring Proofing Your Pet: Allergies

Spring brings a lot with it, like warmer weather, blooming flowers, and spring cleaning. But just as people suffer from springtime allergies, so do pets. Below are the most common irritants pets suffer from at this time of year, along with tips for reducing their discomfort. Pollen The attack of itchy eyes and runny noses plague humans allergic to pollen. Pets get the itchies too –in the form of itchy skin that is. There are lots of ways to treat the itchies, such as: • With supplements to ease them (e.g. fatty acids or vitamin A and E oils). • … Continue reading

Pet First Aid: Asthma Attacks

Dogs don’t often have asthma problems; asthma is more commonly seen in cats. Siamese are especially susceptible to asthma attacks! You may not notice the first few attacks. Signs of an asthma attack: Coughing Crouching low and extending head and elbows — this is the animal trying to make more space for the lungs to expand Straining to breathe Gasping A lack of oxygen will cause the gums to turn purple If your pet is having an asthma attack, she needs the veterinarian as soon as possible. Call your vet and get moving. Before you reach the vet’s, there are … Continue reading

Asthma, Allergies and a Few Frugal Cleaning Solutions

My two year old son recently spent a week in the hospital after suffering a severe respiratory infection. While he had been a healthy baby, now we suspect that he may be suffering from both asthma and seasonal allergies too. During the week of his hospitalization, I had a meltdown. I sent my husband to stay with him at the hospital while I frantically cleaned our home. I hadn’t slept for days and I was determined to kill whatever virus landed him in there in the first place. With my bottle of three-in-one cleaner in hand, I sprayed everything from … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: What Solids Should I Avoid?

Question: My baby seems to have a sensitive stomach. He seems to react to foods that even I eat. He is 4 months old and I want to start him on solids soon but I’m not sure which solid foods will make him constipated or irritate his stomach. Any advice? I think that as parents we spend most of our time with our babies feeding them. I can think of nothing else that takes up as much time as does feeding. Consequently we also spend the most time worrying and wondering about the how, what, when, etc. of starting solid … Continue reading

Tip of the Day- Clean your window sills

Ok, I admit it. I’m not exactly a neat freak. I wear multiple hats, including mother to young children, and the last thing I want to do each day is clean my house. The basics get done (most of the time) and the rest just sort of sits there until there is a compelling enough reason for me to care about taking care of them. One of those things that I never get around to is my window sills. This is partly because I have designated my 6 and 8 year old boys as the window washers in the family. … Continue reading