Can’t We Ever Have Anything Nice?

You know how there are things you say so often that they become part of the family lore? Your words become ensconced in the family vernacular and you hear them parroted back at you by your children—either in jest or just because it becomes the way the family speaks. My children like to tease me for one of my phrases that I have been saying so long it has become the pat response to messes and chaos… “Can’t we EVER have anything nice?!” I tend to keep a fairly neat house and I love to have things clean, fresh and … Continue reading

Working to Holiday Music

Several months ago, I wrote about how one of my favorite things about working from home is that I can listen to music while I work. As of yesterday, a couple of my “standby” radio stations have turned over to exclusive holiday music. While it is a nice seasonal change, I fear I may grow quite sick of “Rock Around the Christmas Tree” by the time the holiday season is only half-way through… I tend to prefer instrumental holiday music to work by in my home office anyway. I have several “Windham Hill” cds and other instrumental holiday collections that … Continue reading