Munchausen by Proxy

When a parent, usually the mother, consciously attempts to make her child sick, while at the same time seeking medical attention for the child, this is known as a case of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. These sad cases often make the news, as deliberating harming one’s child is a form of child abuse. Yet in this syndrome the mother seems to be very caring. So caring, in fact, that she may fool medical authorities, often for years. The mother typically makes her own child sick so she can bask in the attention that the intervening medical attention provides her. She … Continue reading

Why Kids Misbehave

Why do kids misbehave? This is the age-old question parents have asked themselves since the dawn of time. In, Raising Great Kids in a Tough World, four typical reasons kids misbehave are identified. They are for attention, power, revenge and assumed inadequacy. Attention Kids crave attention and don’t care if the attention is negative or positive. Kids may misbehave when there is a new sibling or when parents spend too much time working or in activities that exclude the child. Tyler has remarked to me several times that he wished I would get a “regular” job so that I don’t … Continue reading