Author Review: Stephenie Meyer

Hitting the literary world like a whirlwind with her debut novel “Twilight” and not letting up for a single second, Stephenie Meyer is one of the most talk-about authors currently publishing. I thought it would be interesting to take a closer look at Stephenie and her unique series. Stephenie is a Latter-day Saint. She won a National Merit Scholarship and graduated from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, with a bachelor’s degree in English. She is married and lives in Phoenix with her husband, who she has known since she was four years old. Together they have three sons. She … Continue reading

Author Interview – Traci Hunter Abramson, Part Two — Future Projects

Thank you for joining us for part two of our interview with author Traci Hunter Abramson. If you missed part one, click here. Traci, when we left off yesterday, you were telling us about your published books. What projects are you working on now? Believe it or not, I have several novels I’m working on right now. “Freefall” is due out in the spring of 2008 from Covenant Communications. For people who have read “Undercurrents,” they might remember Matt’s younger sister, Amy Whitmore, who is the main character. Amy is taken hostage in the fictional country of Abolstan and Brent … Continue reading

Author Update: Shirley Bahlmann, Part Two

Thanks for joining us for part two of our conversation with Shirley Bahlmann. If you missed part one, click here. Shirley, thanks again for being here. Yesterday we talked about your new releases. What was your inspiration to write these books? “Friends From Beyond the Veil” came about by accident. I was researching stories for a pioneer book and found some modern day haunting stories. People kept telling me more and more stories until I had a book. The Oddly Enough book is the result of readers of the Odds series asking and asking and asking me for another book! … Continue reading

Author Update: Shirley Bahlmann

LDS author Shirley Bahlmann was good enough to drop by and share with us all the wonderful things that have been going on since we last saw her. Shirley, since we last talked to you here on, you’ve had three books released. Can you tell us a little about each of them? “Friends from Beyond the Veil” was titled by my publisher, and I don’t really like the title. While it contains some stories of people who saw angels or spirits of loved ones, it also includes stories from people who saw spirits from the dark side. But the … Continue reading

Author Interview — Cheryl Kaye Tardif

Last night I reviewed “Whale Song” by author Cheryl Kaye Tardif. Today Cheryl is joining us for an interview. Cheryl, thank you for stopping by on your virtual book tour. I have so many questions I’d like to ask. First off, how long have you been writing, and what are your previous books? I have been writing for most of my life. I was a paid journalist at 14, writing a weekly column for a small BC newspaper. I really enjoyed it, but even then, my passion was writing fiction. I went on to publish articles and poetry in other … Continue reading

Author Interview – Pamela S. Thibodeaux

Our guest author today is Pamela S. Thibodeaux, award-winning national inspirational romance writer. She is the Co-Founder/President and Treasurer of the Bayou Writers Group in Lake Charles, Louisiana. She writes romantic fiction and creative non-fiction, and reviewers have called her books “Inspirational with an Edge!” Pamela is conducting a month-long virtual book tour and has consented to join us for the last stop on her journey. Pamela, it’s wonderful to meet you. How long have you been writing? I began writing 25 yrs ago in 5-subject notebooks. This I did for eleven years. In 1993 I bought my first ‘used’ … Continue reading

Author Interview – Lynne Jonell (part five) In Conclusion

Thank you for joining us for our fifth and concluding segment in our conversation with nationally published children’s book author Lynne Jonell. If you missed parts one, two, three or four, click here. Lynne, how long have you been writing, and when did you know you wanted to be anauthor? I’ve been writing stories since third or fourth grade, off and on. I got serious about writing in my twenties; I joined the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators when I was 30; I took a writing class at that time also, and that’s when I really began to … Continue reading

Author Interview – Lynne Jonell (part four) A New Release

Thank you for joining us for part four of our conversation with nationally published children’s book author, Lynne Jonell. If you missed parts one, two, or three, click here. Lynne, in addition to writing picture books, you write books for the middle-grade age range (9-12) as well. Can you tell us more? The book is titled “Emmy & the Incredible Shrinking Rat,” published by Henry Holt & Co., and it will be released in August of 2007. Booksellers are now taking pre-orders for it. I’m so pleased that I finally wrote a novel that someone thought was worth publishing! The … Continue reading

Author Interview – Lynne Jonell (part three) Reader Feedback and About Her Books

Thank you for joining us for part three of our talk with nationally published children’s book author Lynne Jonell. If you missed part one or two, click here. Lynne, when we left off you were telling us how children have strong emotions and often aren’t able to articulate them. You seek to give children a voice in your books, an empowering and comforting pursuit. Have you heard back from parents about how their children react to your books? Oh, yes. They’re funny books, for one thing, and parents and children love the chance to laugh together about some of these … Continue reading

Author Interview – Lynne Jonell (part two) The Publishing Process

We are joined today by national children’s book author, Lynne Jonell. If you missed part one, click here. Lynne, when we left off yesterday, you were telling us how you got the idea for your first picture book. When did you decide it was ready to send to a publisher? At the time, I was taking a class from children’s author Jane Resh Thomas. Instead of reading the next chapter in my middle grade novel, I read Mommy Go Away!. And Jane told me– “Lynne, you have a gift. You think like a toddler.” I wasn’t quite sure if this … Continue reading