Identifying Autism in Babies

Numerous studies have shown that early intervention is key to getting a better outcome with autism-related therapies. Efforts are being made by physicians and teachers to identify autism in children as young as preschool age, but some experts say this still isn’t enough. Being able to identify babies under the age of three or four is the goal of some researchers. The average age of a diagnosis of autism is at almost four years old. Sage Publications and The National Autistic Society recently published a report on clinical assessment of autism in high-risk babies 18-months of age. A baby is … Continue reading

Finally, A Child Abuse Story With a Happy Ending

A few days before Christmas, thieves broke into a group home for autistic children in Dallas and took almost everything that had any value. The home is a part of a nonprofit organization that runs a number of group homes in that city. In this particular home, all of the children are wards of the state because they were victims of abuse and / or neglect. The residents had been away attending a class at the organization’s main office. When they returned, their house had been ransacked. Among the items stolen were appliances, television sets, food, furniture, and the children’s … Continue reading

Does Television Cause Autism in Infants and Toddlers?

We are still very much in the dark about what causes autism, and why the number of cases of children diagnosed with this puzzling disorder continues to rise. New theories are being suggested, including the idea that television viewing by babies and toddlers under the age of three somehow triggers autism spectrum disorders in children who have a genetic predisposition. A New Theory It seems like a ridiculous hypothesis, but professors at Cornell and Purdue University are suggesting there’s a link to early television viewing and autism. Professor Michael Waldman and Sean Nicholson of Cornell University, and Nodir Adilov of … Continue reading

The Autistic Savant: When a Disabled Child has Extraordinary Gifts

Although my son Kyle, 13, is autistic, he has some phenomenal abilities. His memory is amazing. If you asked him the capital of any country in the world, or any state in America, he would answer instantly. Kyle the Geography Wiz What is the capitol of Mongolia? “Ulaanbaatar.” What is the capitol of Mozambique? “Maputo.” What is the capitol of Kazakhstan? “Astana.” What is the capitol of Mauritania? “Nouakchott.” Honestly, it’s fascinating. He will name the capitol of any country within a fraction of a second. You can’t stump him. He can also calculate all kinds of mathematical equations in … Continue reading