Elements of a Modern Nursery

Frills, ruffles and a matching Winnie the Pooh layette is out for baby’s nursery. Instead, the hippest parents are taking their cues from celebrities, whose nurseries are modern and chic. while you may not be looking to spend $1500 for a crib, there are plenty of practical options will make your baby a sophisticated star. Here is what is hot right now for the modern nursery. Crib bedding Forget the cutsey and go for a bold statement with modern graphics that are easy for baby to focus on. Dots are really hot right now for the crib bedding, as are … Continue reading

More Signs that Crying is Serious

Babies cry; they cry a lot. This is natural, as it is the main way that they can communicate to let you know that they need something from you: food, a diaper change, comfort. Some times, crying can be indicative of a more serious problem, one that requires medical attention. Here are some more signs that your baby’s cry is serious. And check out yesterday’s post: Is Your Baby’s Cry Serious? How to Tell. When your poor baby is screaming at the top of his lungs, please check for a nasal discharge. If your baby has a thick, yellow discharge … Continue reading

The Six Options for Child Care 2

Making a decision on the right child care for your family can be huge. Child care comes in many forms, whether you are working full time or just need occasional help. We’ve already discussed three of your child care options. Now, let us take a look at the remaining three. Which options fit well for your family and your life? Parent Co-Opt Care There are two different forms of parent co-opt care. With both forms, four or more parents who get along well share care of their children. This care can be rotated through each home. For example, five parents … Continue reading

How Old is Too Old to Parent an Infant?

Studies show that an increasing amount of adults are waiting to get married and have children. Subsequently, the number of first-time parents over the age of 33 has quadrupled since the 1970s. Some maintain that waiting to have children is a good thing. Many older first-time parents say that they are financially sound, patient, worldly and can enhance the life of a child better than they could have in their 20s. Meanwhile, younger parents argue that they have energy, enthusiasm and time on their side. Still, that doesn’t answer the question: How old is too old to raise a baby? … Continue reading

How to Get Your Preschooler to Listen

When it comes to getting a preschooler to do what you want or need him to do, there is a simple little trick that can stop the “no!” in its tracks. If I may brag a little bit for a moment, our children are usually complemented on their behavior when they are out in public or over at a friends house. Of course, there are a lot of factors involved here, such as making sure that they have had enough rest, that they are well fed, and the fact that the people complimenting our kids don’t actually live with us … Continue reading

High Chair Safety

High chair accidents occur more frequently than you might think they do. Maybe parents are pretty vigilant about high chair safety when their baby is just starting to use one, but after months (or several children), the safety rules tend to slip. Here is a guide (or a quick reminder) about high chair safety. Use a high chair that follows current safety standards While that antique wooden high chair you saw in a shop or were given by grandma looks lovely, save it as an accent piece in your home to display dolls, plants, old lace, etc. We know a … Continue reading

How to Pick a Potty 2

When you are focused on potty training your child, one of the last concerns you might have is picking out a potty. But not all potty chairs are built the same way or are easy to use. Yesterday I shared some tips on choosing a potty, including safety and stability issues. Now let’s look at some other factors. Having a potty chair that is easy to clean will make a big difference, trust me. With your little one trying to chair out several times a day, the last thing you want to do is to spend all of that time … Continue reading

Reducing Gassiness in Babies

Little babies (and big ones, too) often have a lot of gas in their systems. While many will happily pass gas anywhere at all, much to the embarrassment of a mom or a dad out in public, gas can also cause a lot of discomfort for the baby. Reducing the amount of gas that gets in to your baby’s system or produced by it can really help a fussy baby feel better. Here are some ways to reduce gassiness in your baby. Whether you breastfeed or bottle feed, make sure that the baby is positioned correctly when feeding. This means … Continue reading

How to Stop Night Waking 3

If you are struggling with getting your baby to sleep through the night, you are not alone. Most parents I talk with describe night waking as an issue with their babies. It is a serious challenge to have a contentedly sleeping baby all night long, but once the problem is solved, the benefit helps everyone involved, including your baby. Now here are some more physical reasons why your baby may be waking at night. Hunger In very young babies, this is probably the number one reason for night waking. Little babies have tiny tummies, and then just need to eat … Continue reading

Another Duggar on the Way

The Duggar family is taking over the world! Okay, maybe not the entire world, but they sure are helping to keep the state of Arkansas populated. Only this time government officials don’t have Michelle Duggar to thank for adding to the state’s growth. Rather, it’s Joshua Duggar’s wife Anna who’s adding to the famous family’s numbers. Twenty-one-year-old Joshua Duggar is the oldest of 18 kids born to Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar of Tontitown, Arkansas. He married 20-year-old Anna last September and now the young couple is prepping to become parents. “I am very excited and am learning new ways … Continue reading