Your Child’s Art Stories

I admit that I am not a scrap booker. I take a lot of photos but then don’t do anything official with them, other than sharing a few on our family website or Facebook. Although I got several baby books with my first child, I managed to make just one single entry, the day that my son rolled over for the first time. Still, I do like to collect my children’s artwork for posterity. I keep the very best pieces of art and donate the rest to the in-laws, because how could I possibly toss anything out that a child … Continue reading

Activities for a Happy Baby: Your Face

As parents, we live for those moment when our babies are experiencing pure happiness. We look forward to those moments when there is no hungry cry or wet cry or fussy cry, but just that happy lopsided smile that tells you that everything is okay. One of the main things that makes your baby happy doesn’t cost a thing or require much effort. You carry it wherever you go, and you can’t easily lose it. It is your face. As humans, we are hardwired to recognize an appreciate faces. In fact, research shows that a good portion of a baby’s … Continue reading

Taking Your Baby Out in the Snow

We are in the middle of a slow moving snowstorm, and at least a foot of snow is predicted when it is over. This afternoon, the snow stop falling briefly, and it was the perfect opportunity to take the kids out to play. If you are wondering about taking your baby out in the snow, I have a couple of guidelines to share to make sure that everyone has a great time. First of all, I don’t advise taking a baby out in the snow if he or she is very young. You might want to wait until the baby … Continue reading

Start a Baby Book Club

If you are looking for a fun play date activity for the little kids, then this might be your idea. Start up a baby book club. Not only will the kids (and the adults) have a great time, but there will also be a lot of learning going on. A baby book club is a great way to introduce children to the love of reading, logical thinking, and some socialization, too. 1. First determine who will be in the club. Ideally, children should be near the same developmental level. You can start a club for children that are as young … Continue reading