Medicare Will Gain Thousands of New People Each Day in 2011

The American Association for Retired Person’s, (AARP), has figured out that there will be a whole lot of new people joining Medicare in 2011. It is estimated that there will be 65 new Medicare beneficiaries every eight seconds, which comes to 7,000 new people each day. It has been said that this could drain Medicare this year. This is the year that many of the people in the generation known as the Baby Boomers will begin retiring. People who were born between 1946 and 1964 are part of the Baby Boomer generation, a time when over seventy-five million children were … Continue reading

More Career Switching in the Later Years

Let’s say you thought it through and decided the risks of a career change later in life are worth the benefits. You are willing to sacrifice, as your job is a major part of who you are and what you do. If you aren’t happy as you grow older, you don’t have many years left. Once you get too close to retirement, changing jobs is often almost impossible. Therefore, if the time is now and you want to make it happen, then go for it! Easier said than done, right? Often people don’t bother changing careers as they grow older … Continue reading

Switching Careers Later in Life

Many people over the age of 50 consider switching careers. When they do, they often wonder if it is even possible or worthwhile. Once you have become established in a profession, change can be scary. In addition, there are risks associated with that change. If you are considering switching careers later in your life, there are some unique considerations to consider. First, ask yourself some of these questions: 1. How much longer do I plan to work before retirement? 2. Could I plan to continue my current career until retirement age? 3. What are the main reasons I want to … Continue reading

Baby Boomers and Retirement

I was reading an article in the paper the other day that got me thinking… yikes… our largest generation is going to be retiring soon. What does this mean and how will it influence all of us? To be honest, I am not sure – but it left me with some questions and thoughts. I would love to hear any ideas you all come up with too! Just leave them in the comment box below. Baby boomers will need to start using their retirement money. This means large amounts of stocks will be sold. Thus, the process will move money … Continue reading

Too Many Baby Boomers are Facing Alzheimer’s

A new report from the Alzheimer’s Association has some bad news about the future of Alzheimer’s disease. Right now, more than five million Americans are suffering from Alzheimer’s disease — including as many as 250,000 people under the age of sixty-five. By 2010, the Alzheimer’s Association predicts that there will be five hundred thousand new cases reported each year. By 2050, the Alzheimer’s Association predicts that there will be one million new cases of Alzheimer’s disease annually. The bad news focuses especially on baby boomers. The Alzheimer’s Association estimates that ten million baby boomers will develop Alzheimer’s disease in their … Continue reading

What is The Glass Cliff Phenomenon?

For those of you out there who might think this concerns that sweet gal with the golden slipper of that fairy tale of old, I assure you it doesn’t. The glass cliff is a modern phenomenon that affects the working world and particularly the women trying to make their way through it in the most negative of ways. Identified in a recent English study conducted by two professors at Exeter University, the glass cliff phenomenon is a situation that occurs whenever companies appoint women to higher management only after suffering severe reverses, almost insuring a precarious position for the woman … Continue reading

Some Clues an Employer Welcomes Older Workers

An older worker needs an employer who is “age-neutral.” What this means in practical terms is that they hire, evaluate, promote employees and train managers and supervisors how to benefit from age diversity. You don’t have to be a Columbo or Hercule Poirot to spot age neutral policies when they are there. Here are some of them for the record. They fall into five major categories. 1. Recruiting An age-neutral company will recruit in an age-neutral fashion. Job ads will mention maturity and work experience as desirable factors. Ads will also be placed in publications, agencies and on web sites … Continue reading

Four Factors that Hamper Older Job Seekers

America’s work force is aging rapidly. Mature adults are not only the fastest growing demographic segment of the population, they are also the fastest growing consumer group buying computers and logging on. With today’s medical and technological advances, people are living longer after they retire than ever before, but are healthy enough to continue working. The demand for employment services by older workers is expected to increase steadily over the course of the next twenty years. Still, the senior job seeker has it tougher than others and the following four factors seem to be the primary culprits. 1. Despite better … Continue reading

Online Job Networks: How Helpful Are They?

The Internet has invaded every aspect of our lives. For those of us who have lived long enough to remember when the world was without it, the advances are staggering to recall. Many job boards and web sites (more than 80,000 in fact) post available jobs every day (some several times per day). For the job seeker over 50 years of age, the Internet is even more of a boon than to those younger workers who comprise the bulk of the job seeker market, although all ages may benefit from these listings. Many of these online job networks have appeared … Continue reading

Education: The Key To Jobs for Older Seekers

When you think of the way we live today, you have to realize that someone who is sixty years of age is really 40 by the standards of yesteryear. This forces a re-evaluation of thinking and attitudes, not to mention body and mind parts. Baby boomers are competing with younger and very competent workers for the same jobs, and like any jungle worth its salt, the prevailing rule of thumb is, as Charles Darwin so aptly put it, “survival of the fittest”. Within this category there lies still another; namely survival of the most educated. Get ready for some enlightenment, … Continue reading