Captain Clutter & The Baby Explorer

Are you compulsive about how you tidy up your home? Does your baby make you crazy because the more mobile he or she becomes, the messier they get? It’s hard to keep a room straight and neat when baby is busy dismantling your bookshelves or dumping their toys out everywhere. One of my daughter’s favorite activities was to pull out all of the clothes out of the laundry basket and dragging them everywhere. Clutter Teaches As hard as it may seem to believe, clutter teaches our little ones. It teaches them about the different textures and the different objects. Consider … Continue reading

The Baby Blog Week in Review for December 23-29

It’s been crazy this month here in the Baby Blog and we haven’t always been as on top of things as I would have liked to be. We’ll be making some changes here in January in order to bring you the best we can on time and every day. In the meanwhile, let’s take a look at our last week here in December of 2006 as we get ready to welcome the Baby New Year. Saturday, December 23 In The Women in Our Lives and The Men in Our Lives we looked at the fact that we need the men … Continue reading

My Baby is Babbling

Does your baby babble a lot? Many parents are thrilled when their six month-old starts babbling like a brook and I’m just as guilty as the next one of being convinced they are trying to tell us something. My daughter started babbling at six months and her babbling continued for months – in all seriousness, she seemed to develop her own language and babbled incessantly away about something. But according to the pediatric and developmental experts, babbling is just that. It’s a way for babies to play with their vocal cords. Your baby plays with their fingers and their toes … Continue reading

Is My Baby Developing Properly?

If you are the parent of an infant, chances are asking the same question as every other parent out there: is my baby developing properly? The problem with this concern is that we all read the books and we all look at the growth charts and we will find that our children are a little above or a little below the bar in many areas. The thing about development is the fact that the numbers are based on an average which means you add them all together and divide by the number of sums you added – this gives you … Continue reading

Your Baby and Emotional & Social Milestones

This is a check list of milestones for social and emotional behavior. It is a guideline. It is NOT the be all and end all to what your baby should be doing. I see many moms, especially new ones, rush to the doctor as soon as their child has missed something a chart says they should be doing. Childhood development is not an exact science. If little junior doesn’t hit a couple markers it’s probably not a big deal. In fact four of my five children have missed a few markers by months. Interestingly, they’ve hit a few markers a … Continue reading

The Inner Workings of Your Baby’s Mind: Part II

In my last blog, we talked about how researchers were able to detect jealousy. While it seems like that would be common sense to anyone who has more than one young child, it is now a “proven” scientific fact. They have determined with research that babies as young as 4 months are capable of feeling jealousy. What is more important than the fact that someone spent likely millions of dollars to determine that babies can get jealous, is that doctors are starting to ditch the notion that babies are simply beings that just mimic those around them. That messy, diaper … Continue reading

The Inner Workings of Your Baby’s Mind: Part I

I have just spent about an hour. An hour of time that I definitely don’t have. An hour of time in which I could have been sleeping–an activity well worth my attention at this moment. I have just spent an hour reading what I have found to be an absolutely fascinating article. So now, here I am, sleepless, sharing it with you because I found the research truly that enthralling. Researchers are beginning to study the way the baby brain works. I always thought it was simple. They cry when they’re hungry, when they need to be changed, or when … Continue reading

Dads & Moms, Did You Know ….

Good morning Moms and Dads! Happy Sunday morning! Welcome to a day of rest and a day of family and for some of you a day of God and Church and more. Let’s play a game of did you know …. Did you know that …. Breast milk can do a great deal for treating your sick baby. You know that the colostrums in breast milk is good for helping your baby’s immune system, but did you know that you can actually use it to treat it a stuffy nose or a mild eye infection? Talk to your pediatrician first, … Continue reading

Baby Breast Formation

If you’re concerned that your toddler is developing breasts, don’t be too worried. Toddler girls can develop what is called benign premature thelarche, which are just the technical terms for early breast development. Most pediatricians will advise you not to worry about it, but be sure to consult with them on the development of what looks like breasts at such an early age. Typically, benign premature thelarche is the result of extra hormones in the system. These excess hormones can stimulate the breast tissue to develop. The extra tissue will either go away or remained as a small nubbin until … Continue reading

Don’t Make My Brown Eyes Blue

When a baby is born, most babies have blue eyes. It’s common belief that as long as they have blue eyes for the first few weeks, they will likely keep their blue eyes. The thing is, that babies with blue can and often do get darker colored. They can change to brown, hazel or green. If your baby has brown eyes when they are born, chances are they will stay brown. However, it can take up to six months before your baby’s eye color changes. If they still have blue eyes after six months, they will have blue eyes from … Continue reading